Welcome to the Nexus - July 8th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 8th, 2007

[text] [Jul. 8th, 2007|09:15 pm]
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For various reasons, I have acquired limited internet access, and have been permitted to use this as a means of continuing my research under controlled conditions. I have been permitted grudgingly, but all that really matters is the result, regardless.

I find it interesting, the currency of reputation, within the walls of my prison. Push a little, threaten just enough, follow the script of posturing and bribery, and be allowed certain luxuries. Push too much, make the wrong threat, remind them too much of who you really are, and lose everything down to the toilet seat.

What does your reputation buy you? My own reputation dictates that I couple this question with another, to interpret as you will. What has fear brought you?
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