The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back June 28th, 2009 Forward
Institute, Kitchen, Mid-morning, Open

Millie turned off the shower and stretched muscles that were sore from another "Logan Session" that had ended a half an hour ago. Ow. At least I'm not near as sore as I was by this point three weeks ago. Or even last week. That's gotta mean something. She stepped out of the shower stall and wrapped a towel around herself before stepping over to the mirror. She reached up to wipe it off with her hand.

He's tough. But fair. I think he'd be fair about training if it killed him. And at least I'm not so terrified of him I squeak whenever he looks at me anymore. Then again, it's hard to be terrified of the guy who you asked to teach you how to not get your ass handed to you. Or, at least, it's counter-productive. If that's not the same thing. She reached for her brush to start combing the tangles out of her wet hair. Getting dressed and ready was a matter of routine and she let herself go to auto-pilot while she did it, allowing her mind to wander.

Thank goodness I didn't miss the start of summer session. Even if the homework is piled as high as the ceiling. Hmn, I still need to do those lab sheets today. Somehow, the Institute had gotten back into a routine. Things had changed, that was obviously, but there was still a routine. And that helped get a sense of security back. At least, it helped her.

Millie finished getting dressed and cleaned up her mess in the bathroom before opening the door and heading down to her room to put her things up and get her books. She had plans to head to the kitchen to study. She was starving, for one, and this time of day, the breakfast rush on the kitchen would be over with and the lunch rush not happening for a few hours. Plenty of time to get a snack and finish up those lab sheets.

Lab sheets, stretch, sonnet, run, weed the flower beds, Ms. Munroe will water the plants so I don't need to worry about that, stretch again, Oh! Gotta call dad at some point today. She wrote a mental itinerary. God, at least she wasn't bored!

She got to the kitchen and dropped her bag on the table before going over to raid the fridge. A few minutes later she had a plate of apple slices, cheese, and cellery sticks with peanut butter and a glass of milk. She popped an apple into her mouth and dug out her biology book and opened it to the page she'd carefully marked with a brightly colored sticky note. Her notebook, pen, and highlighter followed and she buckled down to do some serious studying.

((open to all. Feel free to interrupt. It's just science, lol))

Back June 28th, 2009 Forward