The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back May 27th, 2009 Forward
An Unexpected Turn of Events

Who: John & Gambit.
What: Avoiding Bobby, a drunk John crashes in Gambit's room.
When: Late night through to the next morning
Rating: Nc-17
Status: Complete & Closed
Warnings: Uh, adult content in the form of sexuality. And it's long (8555 words).

John was drunk.

He had swallowed three quarters of the bar's alcohol after all, varying his tastes from the lighter easier to handle alcoholic beverages to the stronger more intense ones, the sort of alcohol that knocked you on your ass.

It was a miracle he was still upright.

Yay for having a high tolerance to alcohol, something he'd either inherited from his father or it was another quirk of having the power that he did, John didn't care. How he'd managed to slip back into the mansion without waking everybody was... an act of some unknown force, clearly somebody was watching out for him on this particular night.

He stumbled after a moment and slumped against the nearby wall, snorting quietly to himself. Whoops, he'd totally forgotten that there was a step there, his bad. The firestarter tipped his head back and pulled his lower lip into his mouth before he did his best to compose himself, knowing he needed to make it to his room without falling over, again.

John's hair was in slight disarray and his jacket was a little out of sorts given that one side had slipped lower than the other and there might have been blood on his collar, he may or may not have gotten into a fight.

The other guy looked a whole lot worse.

Not So Quiet )

The Best Hangover Cure )

Current Mood: satisfied
Mundane Things

[Thread OPEN to ALL]

After having been formally introduced to the teacher body as it were, Evelyn had been shown to a room that would be hers and she had then made arrangements for her belongings to be delivered.

There was definitely a distinct feeling in the air, one that Evelyn was all too familiar with given that she dealt with war torn countries and traumatised citizens a lot of the time.

Post traumatic stress, it hung around the mansion like a suffocating cloud of smog. More obvious in some and less in others, but nonetheless traumatic and damaging. Not that it was really her place to be commenting, even if she found herself wanting to.

She was currently keeping herself to herself, allowing the mansion time to adjust to her presence as well as getting to know her inside the classes and outside of it.

Callused tips of her fingers pushed back a few stray strands of dark hair as she sought through drawers in the kitchen for a spoon with which to stir her tea with, pausing only briefly when her fingers closed around a knife and she instantly processed it as a weapon. Evelyn could kill anyone with that knife and do so within seconds, that was how good her powers actually were.

She blinked herself out of that automatic state and placed it back into the tray, sliding her fingertips across to close around the spoon instead.

Current Mood: calm
Back May 27th, 2009 Forward