The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back May 24th, 2009 Forward
Tamsin Doniger [userpic]
Random bar, night; Attn: John

Tamsin knew it wasn't the most responsible thing on the planet for her to be getting a student drunk -- and she had a feeling John was going to need it as opposed to just a single drink -- but she'd never done things the easy way or the right way, so like she was really going to start now?

She had left notes and/or voicemails for Kitty, Terry, Julian, and a couple other people, though, so she at least couldn't be accused of not telling people where she'd gone. She didn't have a backup, but she'd have John if anything went wrong. And never mind what people had said about him, she knew there was more to him than just disgruntled badassery. If anything happened, he'd back her up. Of course, then he'd heckle her mercilessly all the way back to the Institute for needing his help in the first place, but hey. That was John for you.

She got there first and took up a spot against the bar, leaning against it as she looked around at the crowd and waited.

Pyro [userpic]

Who: John & Bobby.
What: Bobby catches John redhanded
When: Afternoon/Early Evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete & Closed

John had been serious when he'd talked to the Cajun, about leaving and getting out of this place. The more he spoke to people the more real his conviction became, finally overcoming the fear of the unknown by emptying his drawers of what meagre possessions he had and filling a tatty old rucksack (the same one he'd had the day his parents had offloaded him on the school) with them.

Fuck it, he'd figure something out.

He blew out a breath as he shoved a couple more t-shirts into the bag before doing the same with the scarce amount of money he did have, it wasn'talot, but better some money than no money.

Kids had run away before, he wouldn't be the first.

John pulled on a warmer top and shoved his lighter into his pocket before he turned on his heel and went through a couple more drawers as he wanted to be made sure he had everything that belonged to him.

It was hard rummaging with wounded fingers, but that didn't stop John from doing his damndest, slinging whatever he hadn't picked up into the rucksack. It had fitted everything before and it would again.

Don't Do This )

Current Mood: angry
Back May 24th, 2009 Forward