The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back May 18th, 2009 Forward
Discoveries; Narrative

She lay in the infirmary, having a little bed in one of the tiny rooms all to herself. There was an IV attached to her arm that she was fairly certain was completely useless by now. She wasn't sure how long she had been laying here, days, maybe. But it was home, and whatever panic she had felt when she awoke was chased away by Logan's lingering scent. He'd been here, with her, and that was enough.

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Millie and Jamie, Narrative

When Millie had gotten back, it had taken everything inside Jamie to not jump on her. Really, only two things had kept him from it: the fact that there were too many people around for him to get to her easily and she looked like she was hurt pretty bad. So, he'd sat outside the infirmary, waiting til he could see her. When Mr. McCoy let her out, he'd told Jamie to help her to her room because she needed to rest. So, Jamie had done that.

Now he was laying on her bed with her, in his brown puppy form, with his head on her lap. He'd put her Cookie doll on the pillow next to her head before he'd settled himself. He just wanted to be sure she was ok.

She cried when she was asleep. There were stitches on her chest and arm and lots of other little cuts that didn't need to be sewn together, but were angry and red on her skin. It made Jamie angry and he wanted to bite whoever had done this to her. She smelled like salt and blood and antiseptic.

Jamie didn't know how long he'd laid there before he fell asleep, too.

Down in the medlab;early saturday morning; attn: Rogue

There was no way he could sleep -- not while the mission was underway.  He sat by the communications console, and just monitored, waiting for something, anything.

Eventually, he got it, and soon later, the jet was landing and all the injured students (and god, there were so many) were herded down into the medlab almost immediately. 

Scott had stood by idly enough and he couldn't any longer.  Heading downstairs himself, he steeled himself for what he was about to find. Everywhere he looked, there was a student in pain, a student crying, a student without any emotion.  It made him hurt inside to see the children (and they'd always be children to him) like this.

Clearing his throat, he tried to find something to do, someway he could help but before he could, his eyes fell on the first student he saw.  Rogue. She was cradling an arm and he winced inside.

Without speaking, he walked over to her side, and leaned down to give her a hug, careful of both her arm, and her skin. He just couldn't find the words to say anything yet.

Back May 18th, 2009 Forward