The NeXt Step in Evolution
.:: .:.: .:::...

August 2009
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Back March 25th, 2009 Forward
The Institute, Outside, Mid/Late Afternoon; Open

Millie had been walking for hours. She didn't mind. She'd enjoyed it. With her car in the shop and all her money going to pay for it to get fixed there wasn't a lot else she could do.

God. Her car just had to choose now to break down, didn't it? Now she would have to put off her trip for months just to find work and get more money. And finding work was going to be the hard part. None of the garden centers or nurseries were hiring. Even the rich and well to do weren't looking for groundskeepers right now. Millie sighed and ran her hand across the bars of the fence on her left as she walked.

It wasn't until her hand ran out of fence that she looked over at the property she'd been walking in front of. "...oh my," she whispered as she saw it. Not the building, (you couldn't call a place that big a house; palace might cover it), but the grounds and gardens surrounding it. They were enormous and extravagant. ...Just one little look around won't hurt, right? The gate was open, after all. And it wasn't like she'd be hurting anything.

She adjusted her backpack and stepped off the sidewalk and into the driveway and into the yard. She walked past bushes that would flower in another month or so, slender trees that were just beginning their lives, and flowers that were just timidly starting to show their faces. She was entranced, and didn't even realize it when she'd walked so far back on the property that she could no longer see the street.

Oh you pretty, pretty things.

[[Open to whoever.]]

WHO: Wanda and Noah. Anyone else too.
WHEN: Wednesday March 25, 2009. Late morning.
WHERE: Brotherhood HQ, Genosha.
WHAT: Talking and any other business.
STATUS: In Progress.
RATING: 13+.

This place was too damn hot. )

Back March 25th, 2009 Forward