The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Monday, October 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Hermione and Viktor
    When: The day before the party
    Where: Viktor's Room
    What: Hermione wants to show him her costume

    She hurried down the hallway in a thick, fuzzy bathrobe. )
    Salazar's Halloween Birthday Party!
    Who: EVERYONE! (In Costume!)
    When: Fore-dated to Oct. 13th around 6pm (threads on this post should end at Midnight--then feel free to make your own with costumes taking over!!)
    Where: Ballroom
    What: Salazar's Birthday Party: Halloween Themed
    NOTE: Let's just assume that Lily sent out invitations. I suck, and didn't get to it in time. Pretend everyone on the ship got an invitation.

    The Hall looked amazing. )

    Additional Note: The costumes will take effect at midnight after the party. (RL time, Midnight on 10/13--tomorrow.) This will give people a chance to thread out a bit during the party in costume as themselves, then everyone will turn into what they dressed as tomorrow night at midnight. If you have questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to comment below or e-mail the mod e-mail (though commenting here will get to me faster. XD) All characters will go back to NORMAL (even if they died/whatever over the next two weeks) at 12:01 on November 1st. Right when everyone starts NaNoWriMo. XD Have fun!
    Who: Lucius and Narcissa
    Where: Their room and then the Pool
    When: Middle of the Night
    Why: It's a midnight swim- naked :)
    Rating: TBD, quite likely high
    Status: Closed/Incomplete

    The Two are having 'them' time )
    Who: Georgie and Remy
    When: Backdated to after they talked on the journals
    Where: Top Deck
    What: Building a fort?

    Read more... )
    WHO: Roxanne & OPEN
    WHEN: 9pm the night of the party
    WHERE: her room
    WHAT: Roxy's not going and you can't make her! :P (except you totally can)
    RATING: duno

    Things were so much easier when she just didn't care. )

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