The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    who; Salazar and Bellatrix
    what; run-in
    where; first floor corridor
    when; Today, just before lunchtime
    rating; TBD

    Salazar was dreadfully bored )
    Who: Bill and Louis (OTA Victorie)
    When: Tuesday, after lunch
    Where: Louis' room at first
    What: Bill gets a sample of of his son's music

    Needless to say Bill had been on the ship for about a week but he was getting used to it and he had promised Louis that he would listen to his son's music. And so he was figuring that he'd explore the ship a bit more on his own, especially after going to the bar to visit Charlie.

    So, he headed out and explored the hallways until he found the door in question which read Louis Weasley and hoping he was still there knocked on it, waiting for an answer.

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