The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Monday, March 2nd, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Bill and Charlie Weasley
    When: Monday evening
    Where: The bar
    What: Drinks and a tour
    Rating: Low, unless the alcohol has a say

    Bill didn't have much to do on his time since he had gotten on the ship; sure he had Gabrielle escort him to Fleur's room and he was actually wanting something to do. Thank goodness he was meeting Charlie for drinks. So, most of the afternoon, he had walked around before finding where the bar was and once there just waited for Charlie to come. Besides they could catch up and maybe some brotherly bonding could occur between the two of them as well.
    Who: Hugo and Scorpius
    Where: Hugo's room
    When: Evening
    What: Curry and absurdity.

    It wasn't like this was a date. )
    who; Dominicus Lestrange and Astoria Greengrass
    what; drinking, meeting...
    where; pub
    when; tonight, about 9
    rating; I'm going to say PG-13, just in case Dom tries to get fresh.

    Girls with drink in them... )

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