The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Saturday, December 27th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Bella & Tom
    When: afternoonish
    Where: on the deck, in the cold
    What: another disappointment for Bella
    Rating: at least pg13 for language

    Bella grabbed a large black fur coat and pulled it on. She stepped out her door, glancing around. She hated this place. She hated these people. She hated seeing people she had idolized turning into filthy mudblood lovers and worse. And now she had to bloody face Tom. Tom, not Voldemort. She hadn't called him Tom in at least 3 years. This was going to be horrid. But she couldn't tell him no. So she bundled up and headed down the hallway toward the deck. Hoping that she wouldn't run into anyone unsavory along the way. Right, good luck on that one. Everyone aboard with the exception of two or three were unsavory. (And one of those, fucking Rodolphus Lestrange, was someone she'd love to talk since he shared her ideals to if she wasn't afraid he'd try to marry her once he got to know her!)

    The wind bit into Bella's face and she had to brush her hair back for a moment. It was still snowy up here, but she really didn't mind it. She wandered over to a railing and propped her elbows up. The water was actually kind of pretty (not that anyone would ever hear her say that). Bella dropped her chin in her palms and waited. Waited for disappointment. Since speaking to Salazar and Merlin and hearing that she married eventually, Bella highly doubted she would be happy to meet Tom at a young age. She was young and impressionable when he had first taken to training her. Now she was not so young, still impressionable, but with a mind and a power all her own. He was bound to disappoint her.
    Slipped under everyone's door, tucked inside a black envelope

    You're Invited... )
    Backdated to Christmas...Sorry!
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