The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Ron, Harry, & Hermione (If she wants! I figured I'd throw the thread up, but I'm still out of town so if it's slow or if fingers hurt to much to thread, that's okay!)
    Where: The pub
    What: Old friends catching up.
    When: Tonight!
    Rating: TBA? Tame I'd imagine.

    The more Ron found out about this place, the more weirded out he got. While it was brilliant that Fred and Lupin and Tonks and all weren't keeled over, it was bizarre, too. He hadn't even finished mourning Fred yet really. It was hard to get over it when he was working around George, who Ron was pretty sure might never really get over it, all the time.

    And now there was some bloke claiming to be his son.

    Ron was sort of hoping to end this night completely sloshed so he didn't have to try to wrap his head around all that. Of course now it would be bloody awkward, because he and Hermione supposedly had a son when they'd never exactly BEEN to the sort of places that could produce a son. Yet. So Ron had zero idea of what to say to her.

    But still. He was glad to see Harry, and to hang out with Hermione again. He claimed a table in the corner and amused himself by playing with the utensils and such on the table while he waited.
    Who? Lavender and OTA
    When? Tuesday afternoon
    Where? lounge/common room
    What? Lavender's in a mood
    Rating? TBD

    It must be close to the full moon... )
    Who: Regulus, Sirius (If you'd rather not thread it out, just let me know, I figured I'd throw it up while I had some online time!)
    Where: Pub
    When: Evening
    What: Brothers trying to make nice? Or not?
    Rating: TBA

    Regulus had vacillated for hours after the messages with Sirius. He didn't TRUST his brother not to. . . try to humiliate him or something. And while Aunt Dorea was decidedly not as Regulus remembered, Narcissa was here, too, and who knew who else. If his mother somehow showed up and found out he was conversing with his disowned older brother. . . it wouldn't go over well. and Regulus was more than a little cowed by his mother.

    But unlike Walburga, Regulus had never HATED Sirius. Hated that Sirius turned his back on them. Hated that he consorted with his blood traitor and mixed blood friends. Hated that he really had MISSED Sirius when he was a child, and that sometimes he still did. And hated that even if he didn't wear a Dark Mark yet, he more or less knew that once he did, he and Sirius would be firmly on opposite sides instead of. . . informally so, the way they were now.

    And he couldn't help but want to see his brother, and know. . . where and when he was from and if he was all right.

    He was just really glad his mother wasn't there. Or so he hoped.

    Regulus looked warily around the pub, half expecting his brother wouldn't even show, anyway, and trying not to look as if he expected anyone else, just in case Sirius was never there.

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