The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Sunday, August 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Merlin and Benjy
    Where: Pub
    When: Sunday afternoon
    What: A chat, playing darts
    Rating: Low, I'm sure

    Walking in circles made his thoughts feel muddled )
    Who: Hannah & "August"
    What: Discovering Each Other
    When: Sunday evening
    Where: The hallway by their room
    Rating: TBD

    I Thought I Lost You )
    Who: Amelia and Donnie
    What: They're anniversary was a bit ago, but us lazy kids are just getting around to playing it out now :]
    Where: Starting in Amelia's room then I have no idea
    When: Sunday evening
    Rating: High

    And the time just flew by )
    Who: Merton, OTA
    Where: Starlight Deck
    When: 10 Aug, 11pm
    What: Stargazing, watching for the Perseides
    Rating: ?

    Merton was feeling a bit lonely tonight, though not in the same way he'd felt since Aurora1 left, or since he'd met Aurora2. It was more a nostalgia for his childhood, missing his Dad, missing his family and the things they did together. He guessed it could be called homesickness, somthing he'd never really felt before.

    Not wanting to be in his room but not sure if he wanted to see anyone, he grabbed a blanket and his telescope. After locking his room he went up to the Starlight Deck to see if he could find Perseus, hoping that the Perseids would be visible from the ship.

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