The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Thursday, May 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Scorpius, Pepper, Duke, and Open
    Where: The Island
    When: Thursday afternoon/night
    What: Camping
    Rating: TBD

    "You ready, Pepper?" Scorpius called as he made a mental checklist of all the things that they needed. Duke jumped excitedly at his feet, following his every move. "Tent... lantern... canteens... food... sleeping bags..."

    He had always read about muggles going camping, and now was his opportunity!
    Who: Orsino and Demelza
    What: Catching up
    When: Thursday, early evening
    Where: Starting on the Quidditch Pitch and beyond
    Rating: TBA?

    Enter witty banter here )

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