The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Thursday, April 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Pepper & OTA
    What: Pepper goes inspecting the pool to map out his future pool party.
    Where: Pool!
    When: April 10th, Noonish
    Rating: TBD, and its Pepper, so you know it'll be pg-13 or higher.

    To throw a good party, one needs to be familiar with the party area. Pepper had gone up to scope out the layout of the main deck. He mapped out what was going to be where and how he'd lay everything out. After a while of course, the cool water of the pool just looked so tempting.

    After jotting down his notes, Pepper set his paper down on a lounge chair then stripped off his clothes and cannonballed straight into the pool. He popped up out of the water with a grin and shook his head, splashing water as he shook out his hair and smoothed it back out of his eyes. He stroked about for a minute then splashed again, unable to seemingly keep his inner child quiet.
    Who: Narcissa & Evan
    When: The day after his drunken night
    What: Cissy is checking up on him
    Where: Evan's room
    Rating: TBD

    Let Me Help )
    Who: Evan and Gina
    When: Last night
    Where: Evan's room
    What: Gina wants to assist him in his drunken frenzy.
    Rating: PG for...drunkenness?

    Evan was jumping on the bed.

    It was something that he actually used to do quite often, and not too long ago. Before Theodore Nott came into the picture, that is, and his heart was broken. It felt nice, jumping again. The mattresses here were pleasantly springy, and gave him just the right resistance for the perfect bounce. Pity he had to bend over at a nearly ninety degree angle to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling. Well, there were negative aspects to every beautiful thing.

    He knew, somewhere in the pits of his drink-hazed mind, that Gina was supposed to be coming up soon. He had almost forgotten.

    Evan took another gulp of whiskey and spun in the air as he jumped, blurring the colours of his room into one red sprawl. He had gone from painting on canvases, lately, to painting simply on the walls, on his desk, on his bedframe, on the windows. It was beautiful, horrifying, and marvelous.
    WHO: Barty and Euan
    WHEN: Thursday afternoon (10 April)
    WHERE: Recreation Deck (level 5)
    WHAT: The first 'date'. Enough said.

    Read more... )
    Who: Salazar and Rowena
    What: Having cappucinos while watching the new episode of Doctor Who. Insert happy and silly Sally and Ro here.
    When: April 10
    Where: Their room
    Rating: TBD

    Coffee and Martha )

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