The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    WHO: Euan Abercrombie and Barty Crouch
    WHEN: Thursday late morning/early afternoon
    WHERE: Euan's room
    WHAT: The question is: will Barty still want the same things when he's sober. Euan doesn't know.

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    OOC: Takes place after the above Euan and Oliver thread.
    WHO: Euan Abercrombie and Oliver Wood
    WHEN: Thursday morning
    WHERE: Oliver's room
    WHAT: Euan is returning the magazines that he stole borrowed-without-Oliver's-knowledge.

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    Random encounter - Dominicus
    Who:Lee and Dominicus
    What:Random Encounter
    When:4/3 PM
    Where: Radio Station

    "This is Lee Jordan, Broadcasting live from nowhere to no-one" Lee bobbed contentedly to 'bankrobber' by the clash. He was continuing through the collection of recordings on the ship, bringing over all he could into his IHex. He wasn't putting everything in that format, but it was a pretty staggering amount. He played a lot of The Clash, Bob Marley, and a huge variety of other music that wasn't even recorded in his time. He did very regular live broadcasts, and had set up speakers in a number of common areas to broadcast his content.

    Most of his time was spent right there in the studio. He really needed to reconnect with Fred and George, but it was kind of hard for him to do so. It was hard to get past the memories. He had met that Myrtle girl, and she was interesting if not entirely too young.
    Who: Heathcote and Amelia
    What: Random encounter
    Where: The pool deck
    When: Later evening, Thursday
    Rating: TBD

    Lalalala... )
    Hermione and Theodore Random encounter
    Who:Hermione and Theodore
    What:Random Encountering
    When:4/3 early afternoon

    Hermione had a new angle of studies regarding temporal magic and extension spells. She still was fairly certain that if there was a way for them to get out of the place they were in, it might still be the worst possible thing they could do. That understanding made her no less dedicated to researching it.

    She had become quite adept at extension spells and the so called 'wizard space' She was limiting herself to smaller applications of it, but was certain that large scale uses must be possible. She had her wand out and her IHex. She was actually a little bit addicted to scanning texts now. She loved the feeling of having them in her collection.
    Random Encounter - Remus and Rowena
    Who: Remus and Rowena
    What:Random Encounter
    When:Friday Morning, early
    Where:on deck watching the sun come up.

    When everything's lost, the battle is won, with all these things that I've done )
    Random Encounter with Benjy
    Who:Lysander and Benjy
    What:Random Encounter
    When:Friday around noon

    pacman fever )

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