The Floating Vagabond's Journal
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Saturday, March 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Gabrielle and Neville
    What: Movie then dinner
    When: March 1, 7 in the evening
    Where: Gaby’s room, movie threatre…
    Rating: TBD. Low?

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    Who: Scorpius and Pepper
    Where: Their Room
    When: Saturday Afternoon
    What: Pepper's angry, nothing like a sexy boyfriend to calm him down
    Rating: Its Scorpius and Pepper, alone, what do YOU think?

    Pepper practically grumbled the whole way back to his and Scorpius' room. He was quite irritated at how stupid and mean people could be on this ship for no reason. Exactly what was the motive Derrick had behind insulting Pepper, or speaking to him like that in anyway. Who was he to question Octavius Pepper when he himself was fucked over in even more ways.

    Pepper angrily shoved his key into the lock of the ship's room and entered, slamming the door behind him and then walked into his and Scorpius' room trying to calm himself with deep breaths.

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