the last stand out of character community's Journal
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Sunday, October 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    I know I just joined.
    My lovelies.

    Dammie is going to be away for the next three days, of course remembering I’m a day in front of you all. I will be away my Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due to exams and I do hope this is reasonable enough excuse for a hiatus for I do not want OOC  drama at the moment. I’d like it if my characters were simply let be and no threads or comments were made about them but if there needs to be or so forth that’s cool just a quick email would be nice so when I return I actually know what’s happening. I will return with updates.

    Thank you,

    Dammie and Edward
    Ok, there have been some new things.

    I no longer have Mrs Liz Sparrow as my screen name, new one is KAZ 2Y5 Dean W.
    I know, cheesy. But I was having trouble with people and felt the need to get rid of the screen name.

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