the last stand out of character community's Journal
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Friday, September 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Hello :)
    Just a little introduction....

    My name is Chrisy, Hi :)

    I've been Rp'ing for a very long time now. Mostly Buffy & Angel but I've recently switched gears to explore other fandoms; Twilight being my new obsession. So, bare with me as I adjust, ok?

    I'm looking forward to writing with you all. It's been a long time since I've branched out and written with new people. This should be fun :)

    I'm very easy to get along with, I love to plot and my characters are always pretty much open to anything that doesn't destroy their original "specialness" given to them by their original makers. (In my case, Stephenie Meyers) Even speaking and acting for my character is acceptable to me, if it's within reason. But of course, when in doubt, just ask me :)

    I'd like to thank Micha (Your friendly Mod) for the opportunity to write here. You're a doll and I luv ya!

    Now, on to the actual goods...


    AIM: Arowen2004
    YAHOO: eternal_vampprincess

    And for those who are as addicted to then as I am...

    MYSPACE: Chrisyneena
    LIVEJOURNAL: xcrypticbeautyx

    Can't wait to meet everyone!

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