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Sunday, January 13th, 2008

    Time Event

    rules : application : taken characters : wanted characters : friend all

    What if Season 2 was altered? Michael Dawson waited till the hatch was empty, there were no deaths. Benjamin Linus a.k.a. Henry was freed, and Michael shot himself to make it look like he struggled and Ben got away, which he did. Now the list of people, Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Libby and Ana-Lucia are the ones that need to go to the Others' camp. Held against their will and blind folded up until that one moment. The one question was, how did these people escape their fate? What is the island's fate?

    Season 3 now is going to get very dangerous... it's up the Losties on the other side to figure out what's going on. But what if fate can't be altered? What if everything happens for a reason?

    If you need an lj-cut as per the rules please let me know. Thank you.

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