Fans of LOST's Journal
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

    Time Event
    Hey, people have joined! Hi! [info]greenwitch had the awesome idea for an intro meme to start up some conversation, so here's one:

    Name: Stef.

    Favourite character(s): Sayid, Sawyer, Desmond, Benry, Patchy, and Richard.

    Least favourite: OMG I HATE JACK. Um. And I don't particularly like Michael anymore. And Kate, to an extent. That's it, I think.

    Preferred pairing(s): Pretty much what's canon. Y'know. Sun/Jin, Charlie/Claire, and Desmond/Penelope FTW! (I also have a soft spot for Sayid/Sawyer. XD)

    Least favourite pairing: . . . hmm. I'm not really sure. Probably Kate/Sawyer. Possibly. Probably. >_>

    Favorite theory: I like the one where they're in an alternate timeline.

    Favorite character arc: Sawyer's.

    (Anything else you wanna add, go ahead! :D)

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