The Guardain's Travel Logs
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Thursday, July 21st, 2005

    Time Event
    Where have all the guardain's gone
    And beating away the pain of the shadows eating away at his human heart and souls.. Here we are, my brother standing together to save the last of this dying race.And i to defend of that he wishes to destroy.. Sounds like a fairy tale dream gone wrong.. To much death not enough of the light and shades of gray... this balance has gone haywire.. Because everyone chooses either one thing or the other... Nothing is settled in between.. No more boundries with the guardains.. No more hopes with the dark.. No more deaths and warrents dealing with this and broken shadows.. I am the last standing true guardian who will not run away. Im standing before a wall.. Waiting for the army i know is on the other side. waiting for me with swords raised. They almost know the taste of the blood and the scent of my fear they know where im going and what i have done.. Who knows why they came.. I just know they have my name.

    Dark angels and light angels live together on this earth. hiding from each other and crossing paths only chances they can get. Then slowly fading away past the existance of the dark.. LIving in a world where nothing ever starts.. Here are the angels left only to this place.. and my world and my dreams feeling of this face. My life as a guardain is calling me deeper and giving me hope. My wings were that of the darker gray.. but i was here none the less guardains please come and join me..

    I haven not see an guardain holds its ground in a while.. and everyone seems to know what is coming so why is everyone so intent on running away.Even the older of the young seem to have given up hope.. There is a mass awakening supposively comeing but no one intends to see it through.. Even with more and more of the memory flash backs with everyone becoming aware..

    Has anyone felt this or know the reasonings why?

    The Lady

    Current Mood: curious

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