The Guardain's Travel Logs
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Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

    Time Event
    An introduction

    Ello, I thought I would start by introducing myself, The Lady already knows me but there are many here that do not. My friends call me Rouge, so lets just stick to that. That would answer the first question and as for the second who am I really, I am a gaurdian who is also being gaurded... probably cause I am still learning to be what I really am, once again *sighs*.  My reasons behind being a gaurdian is because I have so many around me that need to be protected, I have one life I will always put before my own and she is five years old and a soul full of raging power that she can not control, yes Lady I speak of lil Stormy.  

    I have five souls raging within me and with The Lady's help I am hoping to learn to deal with them all.  But other then that I am a warrior, I use my sword and my whip to conquer those who may hurt the ones I love, although no one has yet been stupid enough to stand in my way.  Well if you want to know anymore about myself just ask... I will be happy to tell you of myself.  I just do not know what else to put down right now.  *giggles*

    ~Goddess Luna keep you safe~


    Current Mood: exhausted

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