The Guardain's Travel Logs
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Thursday, May 12th, 2005

    Time Event

    They came for him one winter's night. he waited for the dawn. he knew that he'd been wronged. tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom. Where he had been that fateful night, a secret it must stay. One day he'll know the taste of freedom.

    I am one of the other ladies.. they call me the huntress. Pack life is that of my own.. I am myself am my own lady's guardain.. I have been watching and watiing for my words to be spoken.. Blood is my tracking device. That of the pure to not attack my eye its those of the tained.. I track you follow the trails i have left behind. my beef is this with the young guardains of this world.. No one likes confrenation anymore.. I try to show you what can be done.. What hope can lay within that of being a large wolf standing your own ground..

    you watch you know your target you enemies, what happens when you close your eyes without them, you should be able to block their moves and that of their own theroies. STep block, Side, arm, Its like a game.. A darkness that you can't control.. Its interstesting all in its own. reactions eat at you.. Its all in it own that shows you what can be done with the darkness in control.

    I ask you about a blodd pack and that of being able to work together to form a formidable team..I then ask you this ..Why do most guardain's choose to work alone? WHy is it easier to deal with your own heartache and distate then that of a mate or a team..I am a team player and the only one out of the guardain's here.. Tell me what causes.. it.. open up and speak.. I don't bite.. Well Hard..

    The Huntress..


    Current Mood: up to no good
    Current Music: Slaying THe dreamer~Nightwish

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