July 2011

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May 29th, 2011

[info]hidden_veil in [info]the_deep_ooc


There are times when you don't want to have to wade through a film or novel, just to get inspiration from where they're set. Or maybe you already have, years ago, but want to be reacquainted with what's important while still having fun.

So, while looking up video clips of my character's actor doing self-parodies, I thought I should bequeath unto you (nay, pass on) what's worked for me in an entertaining way!

Firstly, 'Left 4 Dead 2'. Granted, it's a computer game where you basically shoot your way through a zombie apocalypse (why Paul hasn't managed to get the only zombie-shooting game which allows you to play 'Re: Your Brains' on a jukebox, I'll never know), but its environments are quite huge and... It's set all through Louisiana!

You can literally walk through an entire level set in New Orleans (French Quarter included), others set in the Louisiana swamps (a part of one actually includes a small town which looks just like our fictional one) and more. While it's amusing stress-reliever, after realising the connection, I replayed some parts of it and was impressed at the level of detail they've put into the environments and building architecture. If you want to walk around inside of a 3D photo-realistic recreation of all the different types of areas of Louisiana, this would be it! :)

Cinematic advert (WARNING - AMUSING ONE-LINERS AND SOME GORE INCLUDED): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ShE7oIUbkU

Secondly, 'Dirty South', where comedian, Rich Hall, the comedian, shows how Southern culture has been portrayed (both rightly and wrongly) in film/television/plays. Some highly amusing observations!

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohzWgzVruic
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_ohOUyJpEw
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0p5b5bIr4M
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUxvvGVMLOI
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDlSKASZo5c
Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6CM2qqvpZU