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Fanglish Lines

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Saturday, 15th December 2012 @ 06:33 PM
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Hey all! My name is Brooke. I played in Fanglish when it was last open, and when I heard that Jen was re-opening, I WAS PUMPED to be able to join back up. Anyways, I bring you Serena Chavez. She's 24 (will be 25 in January) and is originally from Texas. She's a witch (natural born), and has only been in Evergreen Peak for approximately 6 months. She's starting college late in life, having taken a LONG, long break to travel and see the world...and even find others like her along the way. She's also a dancer at Teaser's in order to make some big time cash to help her pay for school. Yes, I know...that 'ol cliche. But, what are you gonna do? A girl has to make a living, and paying for an apartment and then some on minimum wage just won't cut it. She's friendly, outgoing, and always willing to talk to people. I love random ooc/ic chatter, so hit me up. Her AIM is hellochavez. I'm looking for ANY type of line, so throw 'em at me!

Monday, 26th November 2012 @ 10:51 PM
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Hello everyone! This is Amber (again, I know) and I bring you KYLE. He is best friends with Orlando and Zoe. He owns his own Auto Body shop, so all your car and motorcycle needs shall be taken care of!

Kyle here is a bit sarcastic. He's lived a long life and still has some flash backs to when he fought war against King Henry VIII. He's a simple man, but also likes to give in to his blood lust. Good with the ladies, he never leaves them unsatisfied.

So, yes. Lines? :D

Monday, 26th November 2012 @ 07:08 PM
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Hola everyone! It's Bree and I'm back with three characters that were here when this place was first opened. THis one is Reagan Harris formerly known as [info]team_reagan. His biography says he's 23, but I'm going to make him about 25. He's a werewolf, born, and new to Evergreen. He left his home in Seattle, trying to get away from his family. It says they moved with him, but I'm going to change a few things about him. He needs a job, so anyone willing to house this hot headed werewolf?

The second character is going to be a Sara Sampaio pb, [info]nettyvaldez. Again, her journal will be changing, possibly with her name as well. Her biography is located here. She was born and raised in South America, and should have died shortly after being born but she managed to pull through. She's a level headed person but she does have one hell of a temper. She was turned when she was 22, but she's actually about a 111 ish, I might make her older. She is an exotic dancer simply because she enjoys teasing mean, through her years as a vampire Netty doesn't really have to work. The first two years she lived her she was pretty shy and didn't really talk to anyone. Of course all that has changed. I'd love a room mate or two for her? Maybe some co-workers as well?

The last character is Carmen Phoenix. She's a were-clouded leopard. She was bitten, and the were clouded leopard left her to die. It was more of a 'I'm hungry and going to eat you' type of attack. Her biography is here. Like Netty, her name might change, and her journal will be different. She's going to be about 24-26. She's got a bad temper and hasn't really figured out how to get it under control, but by talking with her you'd never realize it.

Any/all lines would be loved!

Monday, 26th November 2012 @ 05:57 PM
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it's reny, again, aaaaaand this is orlando. he's a vampire, and a total brat, but he's kind of funny and cool to hang out with and stuff. uhm, he sired zoe [[info]spookshowzoe] and sees her as sort of a little sister, so be careful to anyone who tries to hurt her. [i'm looking at you, kai raley!] his best friend kyle [[info]hisstaticfury] is coming soon, but other than that he's alone and lonely and needs friends and stuff. i haven't figured out what he does yet, so that could be a thing if anyone wants to help with that. :]

edit;; okay so now orlando owns a night club so if anyone wants to work for him OR JUST COME PARTAAAAY! let me know.

edit;;2 did i say club owner? i meant bartender. no one's reading this, right?

Monday, 26th November 2012 @ 05:26 PM
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HEY IT'S RENY. i bring to you: benjamin kai raley, but you can just call him kai. he's prety much the opposite of fane in that he's sweet, approachable, loves to be around people...that sort of thing. ;] he works as a personal trainer, lives with his best friend and roommate lux kennedy [[info]tothebattank], is a were-bear, and can almost always be found with some sort of food in his hands.

so who wants to be frieeeends? he's got an on-again-off-again girlfriend in zoe [[info]spookshowzoe], but needs some girls to keep company during those off again times. ;] and friends, and enemies, and maybe a work buddy, and... yeah go.

Tuesday, 20th November 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Quick question for you all! [ ]

Would anyone be willing to take on another character? I would in turn take on someone you need for a line.

I need the following for Claire, this girl here.

Dominic Monaghan
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt
Amanda Seyfried
Heath Ledger

And these lines for Katherine, [info]katdaniels

Jude Law
Tom Felton
Joe Anderson
Adam Levine
Blake Shelton

If any of the PB's interest you, I can tell you the lines in detail.

Tuesday, 20th November 2012 @ 07:43 PM
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Amber here again with a new baby to bring to you! This is Zoe.

She's a vampire who was turned in the 1950's. She already has a sire who is being brought into the game and he is seen as a protective older brother. She cares for him as if they were born from the same bloodline.

Now, Zoe is a little different from the other girls. Not only does she try her best to be a lady at all times, but she is a professional ballet and burlesque dancer. So, if anyone needs a dancer for the night clubs, hit a sista up. Her sire has helped her to become the woman she is today though she sometimes falls into her old habits. She had been raised that she was better than everyone else until her mother abandoned her. She has a problem with being completely intimate with someone, meaning she likes to make them work for it. She doesn't trust many people but when she does, she will forever have their back.

So, lets make some lines!

Tuesday, 20th November 2012 @ 08:56 AM
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Howdy! I'm Chris, and I'm new! I am a libra and I enjoy walks on the beach... *coughs* Anyway, I just brought in my first character Valerian Ashford. He is a rather motivated young man who just moved to Evergreen Peak. His parents were killed, and his sisters and brothers went missing, and are presumed dead. His parents wanted to take a vacation together and had plans to vacation in Evergreen Peak, so here he is. The travel was rather difficult, having to only travel at night to avoid the sun. He recently opened a bar, Le Plume Noire. He is fairly nice, a little quirky, and has a degree in Literature. Feel free to stop by the bar! My aim is Maho No Shi. ^_^

Monday, 19th November 2012 @ 01:12 PM
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Hello everyone! My name is Emery, glad to be here. I bring in my first character into Fanglish. It was a request made by someone to have their brother brought in. I'm glad I decided to take the role, because this game certainly does seem pretty interesting and I know it'll be rather fun! I'm looking forward to what's to the come.

Anyhow, this wonderful character of mine is Jackson Montorency Daniels; Jack Daniels for short (nice play with the name right? I thought so). He is half human and half hellhound. He' is also the younger brother to Kat Daniels ([info]katdaniels)The concept between Jack and the hellhound in him is a little mind looping. The hellhound goes by the name of Grim. He's been around for centuries, actually beyond centuries. He's worked along side such entities as Satan and Hades. Most would debate them being of the same figure in histories or mythologies. Whatever is your fancy. Grim was punished, his soul sent to the human world to be reborn in Jackson Daniels body. It's a split personality that Jack suffers from, as does Grim. However, both of them are of one mind, body and soul. Except, both have different personalities. Whenever Grim needs to use his powers, he has to fully take over Jack's entire body.

Enough about Jack/Grim, both could easy anything at this point. Friends, enemies, step-brothers (would be best to talk to [info]katdaniels, about those roles),frienemies, love interests, you name it I'm game for it all! Anywho, let me know! =D

Monday, 19th November 2012 @ 01:32 AM
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Hello, daaahlings. Reny here with my first kid, the not-remotely-a-kid werewolf Fane Sabayle. He's cranky, gruff, and difficult to get to know. But he's also the best damn dog trainer this side of anywhere so suck it, Cesar Milan. He also owns a farm with horses if you're looking for something fun to do. He's suffering from serious parent guilt, having abandoned one child and never told the other about her long lost twin. But...if you can look past all of that, maybe we could be friends? I'd love to have a love interest who tries to break his tough exterior if there are any older ladies in the game (or girls into older men, eyebrow waggle). Anyway, let me knoooow!

Sunday, 18th November 2012 @ 11:14 PM
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Hello everyone, this is Misty with Character number two Berkley Mercer. She's a humanly human, and is totally open for plots in any way shape or form. A few of the deets on her is that she's a photographer on the side and works for a production company that's going on here in Evergreen Park. She's fluent in Italian and English, is a renowned pianist. She loves working and she moved here to get away from a bad relationship. She's currently working on getting her pilots license.

As I said, I'm looking for any plots I can get. I'm even willing to open her to be changed, should anyone want to do such a thing. Stalker plots, anything. Friends, enemies, frienimes, lovers you name it. :D

Also, I'm working on my male charrie, he's just taking a bit more time than I thought, but as I will be kinda on my own on Tuesday I should have him ready to go that evening.

Thursday, 15th November 2012 @ 11:32 AM
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So this is Ash with character #2 because Ada's been yelling at me to get her out and playing again. She's pretty much my favorite character I've ever had.

The oldest daughter of a seelie king and queen, she rebelled against them and ran off with her then vampire boyfriend. Then all this shit came up, the vampire ended up betraying her HUGELY by telling her parents where Ada was hiding and yeah. . she left town before they could get to her. She's super bubbly and loves to use her abilities to change her features and just to piss off humans - hates humans with a passion. Met and married the father of her youngest daughter and moved to Colorado together to live in peace and blah blah blah.

Everything else about her is located here !

Monday, 12th November 2012 @ 12:34 PM
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Hello everyone! My name is Amber and I bring you Lux. She is born and raised in Evergreen Peaks, so she'll more than likely know most of the townspeople who have been there for a number of years. She runs an Exotic Spice & Tea shop with her grandmother. Now, this shop is like no other for it is specifically for the purpose of non-humans. They even sell human organs which can be used for potions or herbs for creatures. Lux lives above the shop by herself and has a gift of her own, other than apothcrecy, she is a necromancer witch. She is apart of one of the oldest covens in Evergreen Peaks (and if there isn't one, looks like we'll be creating one!).

So yes, are there any lines that are needing to be filled? She's single, but has a best guy friend being brought into the game. She has no love interest yet but I would love for her to have friends, especially with her being born in the town.

Any ideas?

Tuesday, 6th November 2012 @ 11:38 PM
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[ mood | exhausted ]

Hello everyone, I'm finally back and around and well what to really say? Well I want to say that I have two potential characters in mind for this game and at least one of them is a man. I have two different men in mind.

Saturday, 3rd November 2012 @ 09:58 PM
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Irene again! This is Areyaiel, though most call her Ari, unless you know her real name. She is an elf! (Think Lord Of The Rings.) She's also the head nurse at Evergreen Peak. Ari is rather old, being 640 years of age and not yet close to her time of passing as an elf.

I'd love to get patients of hers, fellow doctors and nurses, friends.

Actual lines that I have that need filling? Her two sisters, which I'd love to see Sophia Bush and Kate Beckinsale for.
The reincarnation of her Elven husband, Dennen. He can be any race, but he would be around 29-30 years old. I'd like to see Josh Holloway for him.
And lastly, I'm DYING to get Verikya, the head of the Elven council. I don't have a pb for him but I figured it'd be amazing to have him around.

Saturday, 3rd November 2012 @ 09:42 PM
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Hiddy Ho! I'm Irene and I'm also [info]knep's roomie! I'm bringing you two babies but this is my first one!

Carmen is a bitten werewolf, born during the Civil War. She's been around for awhile. That being said she's been apart of two packs and is currently apart of the local pack here in Evergreen. She was in Evergreen a few years back but ended up leaving after nearly killing a girl - who is coming in later! - since then she's come back and has been within Evergreen again for the past year. I'd love to get friends, people she butts heads with, and those that piss her off!

She's currently unemployed, so she more then likely will be seen wandering around town a lot.

Personally, I would LOVE to get a Vin Diesel for cliche reasons and a Colin Farrell.

Friday, 2nd November 2012 @ 11:09 PM
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Hey ya'll! This is Jess with characte nĂºmero 2. This is Kara May Fowler, a witch to boot. At 23 she is by far the most powerful witch in her family and works hard at controlling her abilities. She is also bubbly, fun, loves fashion, and people. She needs some big time friends, and some enemies because that makes it fun! Hit me up! Her AIM is karamalmay!!

Friday, 2nd November 2012 @ 10:50 PM
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Hey all! I'm Jess and this is Sophia Odette Saphron Alexander-Hayes and she's my first character here! I'm so excited to be joining so here's a quick run down!

Sophia is married to [info]eli_hayes and mother to Katy, with another baby on the way. She's a DJ and while human she's no stranger to the supernatural as her husband and daughter are both half-angel. Her best friend is also a wear-bear so she's pretty open to the supernatural. She's one of those annoyingly sweet as pie people, especially when you add in the fact that she's had a rough life. Her full bio can be found in her journal and I would love to get her some friends as she's lived in EGP for a few years now. I would also love it if someone would consider bringing in the angel who is her daughter's biological father... If that can be done. I should probably reread the rules again. Haha. You can hit me up here, in Sophia's OOC post, or on her AIM, thegreatSOSA.

Friday, 2nd November 2012 @ 04:31 PM
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Hi, everyone! It's Brynn (Vera Mardeux [info]vainguard) with a second character.

Her name is Nicole Jacob. She's been app'd, and hopefully she'll be coming in soon. She's a born witch from California, one with little but growing knowledge of magic, as well as the supernatural community. She sort of has a boyfriend-stealing-bad-girl rep, she is very self-absorbed and has few friends that she actually lets in. She acts like a bitch, but it's definitely all to hide a hurt exterior that comes from a dysfunctional family life. Her profile is right here! Feel free to take a skim-through!

Plot-wise, I'd love to get together a young coven--with differences skill levels and backgrounds, all with magic as a common goal. There's also room for them to be corrupted as well--Nicki isn't a saint, herself. Friends, people that think she's full of it, fellow students, anything really!

Friday, 2nd November 2012 @ 11:33 AM
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Hello once again! It's Caitlin and this is my second baby next to [info]knep.

Her name is Katherine Daniels and she's the only female in a four sibling family. Two step brothers and one blood brother. I have finally gotten her blood brother filled! Very excited about that. However, I'm still looking for her two others. I do have pb's in mind, but they can be changed!

Right now I'm looking for her bestie, her male roomie and her ex that has suddenly come back into her life - and surprisingly into Evergreen.

Plots I'd like to get filled?

Someone she clashes with.
A supe, or a few, that are trying to convince her they aren't all bad.
A supe that she doesn't trust WHAT SO EVER.

If you'd like lines at all let me know!


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