July 13th, 2007

[info]mizbean in [info]the_beanery

Friday, July 13, 2007

Original poster: mizbean

Last set of [info]hd_holidays  recs before the reveal this afternoon! There are still three fics I wanted to read before the reveal, but time was not on my side.

~ anonymous wrote A Room with a View. [NC-17]
One of Grimmauld Place's ancient portraits bears witness to Harry and Draco's growing relationship. Original and thoroughly engrossing.

~ anonymous wrote The Logic of Dreams. [NC-17]
'The Minority Report' set in Potterverse. Engrossing story. Wonderful flashback scene of a young Harry and Draco fumbling around in the bedroom. Excellent Ron, too.

~ anonymous wrote Poems from the Underground. [R]
*sigh* Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Less of a story than a snapshot of Harry and Draco's relationship. Bittersweet and romantic. The writing is excellent. There are photos mixed in with the text.

~ anonymous wrote The Business of Saving Souls [NC-17]
This author (who is obvious if you read a lot of h/d) has a great talent for wrenching intense emotion out of her characters, and this fic is no exception. This Draco is more emotionally fragile than I would interpret him. Still, a moving story, and I thought Harry's characterization as a stoic loner who likes to drink was spot on. Devastating middle scene where Draco nearly falls apart except Harry is there to save him.

~ anonymous wrote Real Person Slash. [NC-17]
Wonderful crack. Moaning Myrtle is a fanfic writer. Who knew?