May 2016

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March 11th, 2016

[info]buckthesystem in [info]the100

Did you notice anyone walking into our room in the last day or so?

[info]dosex in [info]the100

Jim Kirk was admitted to medical with an infected wound, after an examination with Nurse Chapel. We're still attempting to isolate exactly what it is, but it's a nasty bugger. The things we know so far is that it's quickly spread and it's not responding to traditional antibiotics or magic.

As such, we've placed Mr. Kirk under a temporary quarantine here at the hospital, along with those he lives with. We very much apologize for any inconveniences this might cause, but I promise you we're going to attempt to make it as quick and painless as possible, it's only until we isolate the infection and figure out how contagious it is.

Better to be safe than sorry, I'm afraid. We'll be working overtime to come up with a treatment and cure, and monitoring anyone else that might have come in contact with Mr. Kirk. Bravo Squadron, please come to medical today for a full checkup. I don't want to have to hunt you down, but I will if I don't hear from you by noon. We don't believe it's that far spread, but as I said - better to be safe than sorry.

I plan on releasing a public statement when we know more of the symptoms, to follow up on this. If you're head of anyone in the military that receives a wound, please make sure they receive proper medical care. Any wound at all, even a small one. If anyone under your command becomes feverish or develops a rash, send them to us immediately.

[info]sonoffrey in [info]the100

Weird request.

Can we do an extra training session? Or one as tough as the one after Jane left?

[info]cdrcullen in [info]the100

[Filter to Military Squad Bravo]
Medical has found recent evidence of an infection that is resistant both to antibiotics and to magic. We are all under orders to report to Medical with any wound that breaks the skin, no matter how minor. Even if you would ordinarily call it "just a scratch" and forget about it, report to Medical immediately. It may mean your life or someone else's. Logan, I know this isn't likely to apply to you, as most any wound you receive would heal itself before you could even reach Medical, but please note if you find that the process ever happens to take longer than you would normally expect.

[Filter to Cassandra]
Entirely too many of our people have smirked at me today for it to be coincidence. I should have been more suspicious when a request to Varric was met with "sure" instead of "what's it worth to you?"

[Filter to Veronica]
I assume word of Mount Weather's latest bad luck has reached your department, as well?

[info]anotherhope in [info]the100

Listen up. Bravo Team is out for at least the weekend. We'll be taking Bravo's duties for the duration of their quarantine, which means we'll have little downtime this weekend. Get with me for your assignments. We'll be accompanying the hunters, gatherers, and fishers.
Han and I are going to be on double-duty this weekend. Hold down the fort.

[info]mentore in [info]the100

I hear you are in quarantine. Obviously, you are being punished for the cake on a stick.

[info]ofthemany in [info]the100

netpost; spock

Alpha Mapmakers
I will be in quarantine until Captain Kirk has recovered. I'd like everyone to review our current maps and offer suggestions about where we should go from here. With the weather changing, we will be starting on new work soon.

Jim, the next time you are injured, I am taking you to medical myself.

[info]astromancer in [info]the100

The stars are more beautiful here than I've seen for such a very long time.

Remember to breathe.

[info]freeisfair in [info]the100

All right, I feel like playing the piano. Anyone interested in singing (or playing along with whatever other instrument you've got), come meet me in the theater! Does anyone know Scots folk songs? I could especially use a soprano, because I've had "O Whistle and I'll Come To Ye My Lad" all afternoon. Or come teach me a new song. I don't even care, I just need some music.

[info]harvelle in [info]the100

One thing's for sure - this place is never dull even when you wish it was.
