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November 15th, 2015

[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

who ten & donna [2]
what saving his best friend.
where his room
when saturday, after donna [1] has died. which is top secret information between him and audrey. and medical.
warnings TRIGGER: character death references, and more importantly: Ten and Donna angst. SORRY NOT SORRY IF YOU READ THIS AND CRY.

[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

(ooc: posted before he's gone to find donna 2)


I've lost --

I've lost another one. Donna the first, she's gone. Because she's -- there's a body. I'm sorry. Someone was trying to help her, and she... Well, she's with the others in medical now. If you see Donna, you can't tell her. You absolutely cannot tell her. Under no circumstances can she know. If you tell her, you will answer to me, and I am trying to be very calm about this right now as I've an idea as to where Donna the second is, but if I'm wrong and one of you beats me to finding her: Do. Not. Tell. Her. Whatever perceptions you have of me, ignore them. This isn't about me. This is about protecting Donna.

Just keep her calm, keep her busy, and more importantly: call me. I can save her. I can. I've just got to... I've just got to get to her.

I'm not losing all of her.

[info]agentofsass in [info]the100

chasing down operatives

Who: Phil Coulson, Melinda May & Steve Rogers
When:After this post
What:Phil gets some help to talk May down from murder with a bit of star spangled help.
Where:In the hallways.
Rating: PG13/fade to black

I was never really one for small talk, Captain )

[info]marshmallowmars in [info]the100

[ Private ]

Veronica Mars, what have you got yourself into this time?

"It was never supposed to be this way." I figured I was done being shocked by the way life rips away my agency, that I'd never be so naive as to write those words in a journal, but here we are: four for you, Pod God, you got me good. I spent the last three years of my life trying to save enough money to get out of Neptune and now I'm so far from it that I can't find my way back.

Cry more, Veronica. Everyone's got a sob story. The ones who don't are the ones making them for other people. Now do what you do best, and detect.

Work's fine. Nathan W's one of the Specials - that's going to be the watchword from here on out for 'people who have something notable about them that may or may not be biologically improbable'. Sorry journal, I'm still too fresh to write "magic" down as a legitimate thing - but I don't know how, and I like him too much to snoop. He had some hints about how home was more of this same. At least I know what Rogue's trying to conquer. No handshakes of congratulations for her anytime soon, but at least she's angry. Anger is good. Hope lets you down, time and time again, but anger's always available to spur you on.

Back home Neptune's finest used to say "no body, no problem" as a way to keep from caring about teenage runaways under a certain income bracket. We're up to our eyeballs in bodies, here. Duplicates of that British woman, the ghosts of this mountain we're not supposed to talk about, characters from Harry Potter that died years and years and years ago and are back up walking around. Join them, Veronica. Be a body. Blend. If your story in Neptune's been put on hold, write a new one. And stop missing Dad

[ /Private ]

FYI, I dropped 'hallucination' from my vocabulary when talking about you guys. Way too many syllables, and is it even true? EH. Does 'people' work? I think it works.

[info]romanpraetor in [info]the100

network post: reyna ramirez-arellano

So, um, I-

Did you have fun at capture the flag?

I- well- do you think How do you do this?

Could we do that again? The outdoor sparring? And the kissing?

[info]agentofsass in [info]the100

[Natasha & Steve]
The May situation seems to be under control for the time being, but I think we ought to have some sort of precautions in place. Apparently, Ward ordered a hit on May's husband and I have reason to believe he was successful. I don't think we'll have a problem as long as we keep May busy with something and distracted. I know she's a soldier here, so hopefully that will help keep her occupied.

What would you say to trying to get quarters together? I'm not a fan of worrying about roommates walking in

How's living with May?

[info]madmaninablubox in [info]the100


[info]temperedsteel in [info]the100

Capture the flag was so much fun. Even if Jacen did get cocky after the first game.

Good game, everyone. I look forward to the next one.

[info]jadeshadow in [info]the100

(003) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Leia]
I think I have settled in enough to realize that a cup of something hot with a friend might be nice. Plus Ben would enjoy some time with his Aunt I've no doubt. Could we do that?

[Filter: Jacen]
I'm going to ask the blunt question: Have you been to Myrkr yet?

[info]nobodysson in [info]the100

[ Filtered to the 100 People ]

There anything that's not 'Sanitation' that you need doing off-record? I'm so bored I could insert-thing-you-don't-want-me-doing-here.

Not asking the Pod People. They'd just want to talk about their tragic backstories.

[ /Filter ]

[info]magicplantman in [info]the100

One of the interesting bits about being a farmer here is that instead of being on Mother Nature's schedule, we're on a greenhouse schedule, more or less. In the hydroponics areas here, we've got a year-round schedule for growing the important crops, and because it's nice to have some variety, we're adding in some extras where we have room. The nice bit is that these extras will provide some extra nutrients and other good bits that plants need to do their business.

In other words, we're putting in flowers in hydroponics, and when they start blooming you lot should come and smell the buttercups and the violets. We're working on starting some roses for the memorial garden, as well.

[info]thegoodblood in [info]the100

While I've heard of arcane rituals that can produce extensive delusions, nothing in this world has the markers of a dream, or an injury to the head. I hunger, I thirst, I feel as a human man. This is well-beyond my learnings, I'm afraid, but that is hardly cause for fear! I am eager to learn what this place has to offer, and how I may assist those who require it.

My name is Alfred, of the Executioner Covenant. From Yharnam, if you have heard of that once-great city, with all the common afflictions and ambitions of a Yharnam citizen. Is this place without a Church? I did not hear one mentioned. If there is a problem of beasts, I will be only too happy to assist in their eradication.

I thank you for your kindness and hospitality, Jaha. I am to be rooming in 505O with a Sir Barnes, Sir Murdock, and Sir Nelson? My gratitude for your taking me in.

[info]foggy_nelson in [info]the100

Chatty to Matt Murdock
» So is this when we start the lawyerly trash talking?
» I've never had to go up against you in court, so I don't know the etiquette.

Chatty to Normie Osborne
» So... how's things?

Chatty to Alison Hendrix
» You too busy for a visit?

[info]youngestsolo in [info]the100

I mean, any Capture the Flag that doesn't end because dead body is probably a good one.

We need to think about strategy. We are not letting my brother win next month.

[info]romanpraetor in [info]the100

Who: Faith Lehane & Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
What: sparring and goofing off in the snow.
When: Last week, thursday
Where: outdoors
Rating/Status: PG13 for Faith and Reyna, sitting in a snowbank, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

are you just gonna stand there freezing your ass off? )

[info]wantstolove in [info]the100

[Filtered to Angel]
Sound familiar?

[info]mercilessworld in [info]the100

Who: Mikasa and Beth Green
What: Random run in?
When: Today, November 15
Where: Let's go with the mess hall?
Status: Incomplete, threaded
Warnings: Um, will update if needed

Adjusting to this world was a bit different than learning to survive... )
