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June 7th, 2015

[info]burningwings in [info]the100

Is it safe to come inside?

[info]ibecomedeath in [info]the100

I don't know why the apparitions happened, but I'll confirm those events took place about six months ago in this facility. If anyone has questions about what we saw today, I'll do my best to answer them.

I'm going to go for a walk in a bit. I'll be back by tomorrow morning, so don't lose your don't worry about me. And don't send anyone after me. When I get back I want to talk about my official position here.

[info]secondspectre in [info]the100

network post: kaidan (to shepard)

You ever miss the simple stuff? Machines wanting to wipe out the galaxy, mercenaries, playing politics — stuff we could shoot?

Half the time I feel like an idiot, chasing werewolves and getting trapped in dream worlds ... this is out of my league, Shepard. Maybe I should join you with the farmers.

[info]worththeharm in [info]the100

network post: cecil palmer

It's nice to know that, although the scenery may change, old friends may be absent, new friends may be inhuman and strange, the moon (whatever that is) may hang a little oddly in the sky, that some things will still be the same no matter where you go. Is it just time and people who fall out of balance here on a regular basis?

[info]lastzehoberi in [info]the100

The explaination provided as to why I landed here will do for the time being but is there really not a thing we can do to return to our home galaxy?

I suppose until that changes. I'm Gamora. And have been added to the military and the rescue and recovery teams here.

I look forward to working with you all.

[info]kickerofbutt in [info]the100

I hope this place at least has waffles.

[info]whatwedid in [info]the100

What Clarke said. I was here in Mount Weather for most of what you saw yesterday, and some time before that. Some of you might have seen me around. If you have any questions about what happened and why, I'll answer.

I'm sorry you had to see all of that.

Clarke and I are going out. We'll be back.

[info]justhitjackpot in [info]the100

I would kill for some Mallomars.

[info]septimussmith in [info]the100

To those of you who saw the echoes of what battles passed before you, I can only offer my commiseration as you bear up grimly within your memories. It hasn't been too long since I, waking ever managed being easier. Only, eventually, I have learned to carry what is incommunicable. So, I am sorry.

But to those of you who will be in the play, I say bravo. I hadn't ever thought to be an actor, so it is kind of you to cast me.
