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Friday, March 28th, 2008
Who: Warren and Paige
What: Warren goes to visit after way too long
When: 3/28 afternoon
Where: her room

Warren stood in front of her door for only a moment before he knocked. He had let too much time elapse without going to see her, and he didn't want to feel awkward about it. There was no reason. He liked her a lot. That was probably the real root of things in his mind. She deserved better than for him to just seem to avoid her.

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Who: Kitty and Jay
What: Kitty says yes!
When:3/28 after noon some time
Where:Jays room

Kitty took the note from Jay off her desk and re-read it several times. She scrawled something on her own peace of paper and marched to his room. She held the paper in both hands and phased her hands through the door. after kicking the door once to get his attention.

The note read 'HELL YEAH!!!" in big black letters.
in smaller letters was written 'now open the door so I can jump on you'

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Who: Emma, Scott and Jean
What: lovefest?
When: 3/28 Evening
Where: TV room to watch a movie perhaps.

Emma sat in the common room. She was on the couch, and the television was on, but she didn't have any particular idea as to what she would be watching. She had contacted Scott about getting together like that, and now she was waiting for him. She had shown up quite earlier than she had told him or he would have been there already.

Things were ok between them, but she had been even more distant than usual recently. Jean was there, and Jean was making no effort to not seem like the woman in Scott's life. She already had no real tolreance for the red-head, and with the closeness she and Scott shared, it was even worse.

Jeans Psychic presence seemed to be everywhere. Emma focused and i was almost like being able to see 'scent trails' a sort of empathic residual. It was non-specific, but if she focused she knew how to find it. She didn't have to have the greatest raw power potential to be powerful. Precision and skill were how she distinguished herself.

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Who: Lorna and OTA
What: Lounging
When: Afternoon
Where: By the pool
Rating: TBD

Read more... )

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Who: Rogue and Alex
What: Random Encounter
When: Afternoon, Friday
Where: Hallway
Rating: TBD

Bumping into someone was almost exactly what she did. )

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Who: Jean and Alex
What: The end of a movie
When: Foredated to Saturday Afternoon (Since there's that post with Scott and Emma for today. XD)
Where: The TV Room
Rating: TBD

The movie was called 'Crash', and it was fantastic. )

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