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Thursday, March 6th, 2008
Who: Jean and Logan
When: Around Lunchtime, Wednesday
Where: Kitchen
What: Talking and stuff?
Rating: TBD

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2:46p - Despite Scott's Advice...
Who: Alex and Jean
What: Possibly a date
When: Thursday evening.
Where: First the mansion then possibly a little jazz club on the edge of NYC

Alex had told Jean he'd come by today and, after normal class time, he did. He knocked on her door lightly so he didn't startle or disturb her too much if it was a bad time. He was already dressed in jeans and a nice button up shirt to wear out to the club. He figured that way she'd get an idea of how to dress without having to ask.

After knocking Alex waited a bit anxiously, rubbing his hands a bit. He was nervous. It was entirely possible she might not accept. It was also possible she got Scott's advice. How horrible would that turn out? He knew Scott didn't seem to think very highly of him and he had been letting it go but he knew that eventually that wouldn't be the case.

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8:45p - Ice Cream!
Who: Kitty open to Sophia and OTA
What: Ice Cream!!
When: Thursday Night
Where: TV room

Kitty had made sure that the icecream was well stocked earlier in the day. Once the idea of icecream was invoked, there was no going back. She had Sent an email to the ladies of the school, but it wasn't like boys would be turned away..

She had a stack of bowls already on a table in the room. She had no specific intentions for what would be on tv or whatever, but she had an array of icecreams and toppings that were fairly impressive. She had sent a message to the ladies and it was up to them if they wanted to show up.

She had cookies and cream in her bowl already, and she was working on adding a scoop of cookie dough icecream

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