And All That Jazz - October 26th, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]mod_thatjazz)
Date: 2008-10-26 18:49
Subject: Plot
Security: Public

Couple of blocks from The Fury, where the alleys turn darker and the streets a mite meaner, there's a building. Looks abandoned from the outside, most of the time. Didn't used to. Up to a couple weeks back, there was a slowish, steadyish, lowish stream of folks passing through the doors at night. Long as they knew the right words to get through the doors.

59 Club's been dark near on two weeks. Dark and dry. Word's just beginning to get round that might be changing sometime real soon.

The night Tim Ollivander was found passed out and bleeding there didn't do much for the joint's reputation, but it brought it to attention.

Brought it to Daniel's attention, that it's empty. That it's worth checking out. And that someone thinks they can get away with slugging his boss' button man. Maybe they can. Could be Tim's falling from grace, and there's a sweet thought.

Brought it to Giuseppe's attention, that it's empty. That it's worth checking out. And that a touch of competition might be the leverage he needs to weaken The Fury's power. Cut down cash flow. Tempt away a few of the staff.

Brought it to the Boss's attention, that it's empty. Nature abhors a vacuum. The Boss abhors a missed opportunity.

Either way. It ain't gonna stay missed, empty, dark or dry for much longer.

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my journal
November 2008