And All That Jazz - October 19th, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

John posting in And All That Jazz
User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]cashandcheck)
Date: 2008-10-19 18:56
Subject: The Fury, Open
Security: Public
Tags:club closed, john

The club's closed during the daytime. It gives the staff a chance to get the place set for the night, keep it secure, and means there's a secure rehearsal space.

Sometimes it means there's a place for John to entertain favored guests during the day, but not right now. Right now, he's off that kind of duty, and it's making him all kinds of antsy. That's what's got him down there when it's barely past noon, sitting at the piano, working through a new number.

Sure would be easier if they'd got a regular piano player. He's not sure what happened to Jimmy, but he's got suspicions that it involves the dame he'd been carrying a torch for, a couple deep games, and a short trip to the big house. Either way, it leaves John picking out a melody he half knows of a duet he'll half sing.

When the door swings open behind him, he swivels on the stool, abandoning the keyboard. "This ever gonna work, you think, or am I wasting my time here?"

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my journal
November 2008