And All That Jazz - October 2nd, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]bakers_dozens)
Date: 2008-10-02 08:36
Subject: Smith's Diner- Closed to Stellan
Security: Public
Tags:david, elsewhere, stellan

David fans out from the Fury, hitting businesses he knows from experience don't know him well but are owned by sympathetic Catholic types who will understand and do everything they can to help him. He made it about a mile out from the Fury, standing in a tiny drugstore and retelling his sad story for the tenth time, eyes glistening with unshed tears as Mrs. Giovani, the wife of the store owner he's talking to, clucks and pats his arm, giving him a cup of tea while Mr. Giovani studies the picture. David goes through the story again in Italian, explaining how the short dark man drawn in the picture had turned the head of his dear, sweet, innocent sister and taken her virtue, leaving her in a family way. He's looking for him to convince him to do the honorable thing.

Mr. Giovani clicks his tongue then tells David in a low voice that he thinks, perhaps, this is not a man David wants as a brother, but, but if it is too late, (it is, David assures him), then he wants to go across the street to the diner. The man in the picture is not there this morning, Mr. Giovani had not seen him go in through the large windows at the front of the drugstore, but a man he sees often with the dark man was in there. Tall. Blond. Worth talking to if David wants to locate the man who'd dishonored his sister.

David nods hugely, wiping his eyes and taking a shaking breath to center himself before thanking Giovani and his wife before heading across the street and locating Stellan immediately. He straightens his shoulders from the scared boy he'd been across the street, to a cocky boy- but still a boy, not the 30 year old man he is. He gets a cup of coffee, then saunters to Stellan's table, sitting down across the table from him.

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John posting in And All That Jazz
User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]cashandcheck)
Date: 2008-10-02 19:05
Subject: Scott
Security: Public
Tags:club closed, john, nathan, scott

He can't go to Scott's place. That's a stupid move, risks revealing Scott's address, and confirms the strong (and accurate) rumors about their relationship beyond business. Going to the club...yeah, it's stupid, but it's less stupid. At least, less stupid since Aidan's message got passed on.

So John goes to The Fury. Keys still in his pocket, going in through one of the back entrances very few people, even staff, know about, and making his way through to front of house. Very, very careful. Tread light, touch nothing. Someone's done some cleanup work, but there's still a fair amount to be done before they can open to the public again.

Primarily, getting Aidan his money for distribution.

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my journal
November 2008