And All That Jazz - September 30th, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

Stellan Ahlström posting in And All That Jazz
User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]vodkaislife)
Date: 2008-09-30 10:23
Subject: Deserted hangar - Closed to James - Interrogation time
Security: Public
Mood:working working
Tags:elsewhere, james, stellan

That place few know of is an empty hangar on the outskirts of town, isolated enough that nobody'll hear you scream. Comes in handy when they need information and they need it fast; gonna come in handy tonight.

Stellan and James only have one man with them. A trusted lookout while they get that information out of their two prisoners, and yeah, faster would be better. Been a while since they had such a crisis to face, but they always come out on top, and tonight's proof of that.

The two prisoners are dragged into the hanger with the lookout's help, and Stellan drops one of them unceremoniously on a wobbly chair. Then he steps back and turns to James expectantly. They're all his, now.

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User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]scuro)
Date: 2008-09-30 10:40
Subject: David's store, closed to David
Security: Public
Tags:david, elsewhere, marco

Marco knows he can find out information himself. He also knows that his ways of gathering information tend to be conspicuous.

That's why he's going to talk to David. David don't look like much, but the fella knows his onions when it comes to getting the low down on someone. Once the someone's identified - that's when Marco comes in.

A couple of words with Joseph, and Marco slips through to the back, down the hidden stairs to the cellar, leaning back against the door and folding his arms. "Marzello. The boss needs information."

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John posting in And All That Jazz
User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]cashandcheck)
Date: 2008-09-30 10:52
Subject: Rosa's, open
Security: Public
Tags:aidan, elsewhere, john, zeta

It's just a day since the raid. John's not heard from Mr. Palin, but he's not expected to. After a raid, everyone goes to ground. And after that, going back to the club's a fool's move.

He's got to get news somewhere, though. Somewhere neutral. Somewhere that doesn't involve going to the Fury, contacting James, or exposing Scott. That's why the next morning (late morning) finds him at Rosa's, lingering over a plate of eggs and a mug of coffee strong enough to bend the spoon that's resting in it after stirring in more sugar than most people would stomach.

When someone slides into the booth next to him, he doesn't look up at first. Just raises his hand for Mitzy's attention, nods, and waves at his companion. "Put it on my tab."

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my journal
November 2008