And All That Jazz - September 17th, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]callmetricia)
Date: 2008-09-17 22:07
Subject: Right outside the Fury - Open to one
Security: Public
Mood:aggravated aggravated
Tags:club closed, complete, tricia, zeta

This week was just going from bad to worse, and it was only Tricia's instincts that prevented her from getting nailed. The police, in the Fury? She'd never seen that or heard of that before. It was mayhem inside, and she ran with the crowd, only much less blindly.

She was almost forced to deck a bull standing in her way, but then someone else did it for her, which was all well and good. She wanted out, but she wasn't sure it was worth the risk of knocking out one of the fuzz. Or trying, at least, her right hook wasn't that good.

She made it outside and stood still for a second, people running away in all directions. This was the oldest question in the world, but where had she put her bike? She remembered and set herself into motion, hardly breaking into a run that she'd collided into someone. Please, not a copper.

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my journal
November 2008