And All That Jazz - May 22nd, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]ex_shadowman202)
Date: 2008-05-22 14:42
Subject: Pier thread: open to the mob
Security: Public
Tags:elsewhere, james

James waits. This is highly dull, but he's used to it. Sitting very still in the dark, waiting to move, it's a familiar feeling. The consequences are never certain, that too, is familiar, as is Stellan's regular breathing by his side.

There are many things he never quite left behind in France.

The boat's in, and he's signaled to his men that they are allowed to go collect the goods. He knows the crew won't be surprised by this, as they were the ones who 'lost' the previous shipment. So this time there are men, not his regulars, but men that he trusts enough, with hats pulled low on their foreheads and gruff accents.

All that remains is to watch for any other unexpected movement, and he peers at the shadows of the pier, a small frown crossing his features. Shadows lengthening is surely an impossibility....

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my journal
November 2008