And All That Jazz - April 6th, 2008
did you hear my baby's queer for all that jazz?

User: [info]thatjazz (posted by [info]patient_man)
Date: 2008-04-06 18:43
Subject: James Callis
Security: Public
Tags:club closed, complete, james, scott

The phone call Scott has to make doesn't take long to make. He calls Mr. Callis, lets him know (definitely but without detail) that there is a problem at the club. Anything more would mean taking risks he doesn't feel like taking.

Once the phone call is concluded he heads to the back door to greet Mr. Callis himself. There are people there, of course, employees of the club and employees of the mob getting the dead guy the hell out of his club. When he hears someone approaching does a quick check and opens the door for Callis.

At least inside The Fury he doesn't have to worry about shifting allegiances.


Days like this he thinks he needs a raise.

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my journal
November 2008