Thank You, El Capitane! - June 17th, 2008

dacro posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]thanks_capitan (posted by [info]dacro)
Date: 2008-06-17 00:35
Subject: Thank you so much, Cyn!
Security: Public

Ok, here I am, late to the gate as always.
I have a fic for you. It grew from a drabble to a ficlet, but it's not quite ready yet (and here, another surprise. heh).

Anyway, while I'm finishing it up, I wanted to pop by and add my thanks to the roar of my team mates.

I don't know how you have time to do what you do, but I'm in awe, and I'm honoured to be your team mate, your sister in Snarry, your fellow fic lover, and your friend.

You went up to bat for me, you were the best cheerleader I could have hoped for, your sense of humour is beautifully warped, and you have such a giving nature.

Thank you so much.

I can't wait until we can squee in real life! *hugs*

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A Bear In Wolf's Clothing posting in Thank You, Team Dragon Capitan!
User: [info]thanks_capitan (posted by [info]loupgarou1750)
Date: 2008-06-17 10:57
Subject: Can I get a thank-you extension?
Security: Public
Location:Late for work

Have I ever been on time for anything? Ever?

You are the best Capitan ever! As both Capitan and beta you have made my life so much better. Words fail me, but Photoshop didn't (well, sort of.) So no fic, but pic.

Title: The Life In Your Years
Artist(and we use the term very lightly): [info]loupgarou1750
Snarry Games Prompt: Flesh Memory
Captain's Kink: Established/Mature Relationship
Word Count: 1
Warnings: uh, voyeurism? *laughs*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, and Fawkes are the property of JK Rowling and her varioius partners. I make no money from this and very little from anything else.
AN: Title is from a quote by Abraham Lincoln: And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

Click on the thumb for big picture.
ETA: New link. Uploaded to flickr, since Photobucket decided to get prissy.

26 dragons roared | ROOOAAAAARRRRRRR | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Link

User: [info]thanks_capitan (posted by [info]fitofpique)
Date: 2008-06-17 14:35
Subject: A belated (as usual!) thank you!
Security: Public

Author: [info]fitofpique
Snarry Games Prompts: Hunger, Separation Anxiety
Capitan's Kink: Established relationship
Rating: R
Wordcount: ~450
Disclaimer: Not mine
A/N: A Made-Up Lullaby #43 future fic.

Thank you so much for everything, [info]joanwilder! You are a Capitan beyond compare!

Tuesday morning, 9 o'clock )

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December 2013