Thank You, El Capitane! - June 8th, 2008

User: [info]thanks_capitan (posted by [info]svartalfur)
Date: 2008-06-08 20:33
Subject: Outside Turn, by Anders
Security: Public
Tags:dragon: svartalfur, kink: established relationship, offering: fic

Title: Outside Turn
Author: Anders Svartalfurinn
Snarry Games Prompt: Learning to Dance
Capitan's Kink: Established Relationship
Summary: Severus doesn't like to see his lover of ten years in the arms of another man, even if all they do is ballroom dancing.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: EWE
Word Count: ~ 1,500
Betas: [info]leela_cat and [info]centaury_squill *hugs to you both*
Message to the Capitan: Dear RaeWhit, thank you for all your help and encouragement! Having you at the helm was truly inspirational! You rock!

Outside Turn )

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