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Tesseract RPG OOC

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[03 Feb 2008|04:25pm]

Hey guys, it's Katie again and this time I bring Luna. I've always loved her and she's a heap load of fun playing. So if you think our characters should know each other/meet just drop me a reply ;) and for Lorcan and Lysander they better start behaving...or embrace their curiosity and their true self. That's more like Luna haha.

[03 Feb 2008|02:37am]

Hey all!

I totally forgot to do this a day and a half ago, when I was supposed to, so I apologize. I also apologize to anyone who reads this twice, since I'm crossposting in in [info]riseofancients, too. I'm writing on Danielle's (Roxanne Weasley) behalf to say that she's on a short hiatus. Should only be a few days and she'll be back, she's just without reliable internet at the moment, since she's visiting somebody. Thanks!

Erin (and James II and Regulus)

[30 Jan 2008|09:01pm]


Laura love where are you? XD I'm itching to thread with you!!! Nudge me if you have any idea on plots. I'm dying to throw Scorpius into the fire, rofl!

[30 Jan 2008|12:25am]

Am back for good :D. Just thought I'd let you know.

Lupins thread? [29 Jan 2008|12:03am]


I figure that Teddy would have had Remus and Tonks meet Victoire by now, but if we all still want to thread it I suggest it would be backdated? Thoughts? :D?

[24 Jan 2008|05:43pm]

hiya gais!! As promised, I'm back! XD Just finished my 2 exams and all... Whew!

Anyway, now I can give you all my utmost attention, xD who wants to thread? I'm online at AIM (episkysanct), just PM me or something.... XD

[23 Jan 2008|11:57pm]

Sorry it took me so long to get around to posting here! I was abducted by the Sims 2, and I think possibly I fell in love with my captor. Stupid Stockholm syndrome. >_>

Anyway! I am Belle, a 21-year-old (*corrects the fail*) jobless bum who spends a lot of time doing nothing and making grilled cheese sandwiches. I am actually about to go make one now.

I bring Ron Weasley to this lovely game. I have not read DH since July so I might fail a bit at remembering things. Hopefully I'll get it re-read soon enough. Ron currently works with George at Weasley' Wizard Wheezes and lives in a small, unhealthily disastrous flat near Diagon Alley. He hasn't quite made it into the Auror department yet (Harry!). I'll be explaining his absence as of late by saying he was quite sick, and decided to milk it and pout around the house because Harry had gone away and all that. He is blissfully unaware of the fact that he has children in the future and hasn't run into Fred yet.

I can be found at harlequin scars on AIM if you ever want to talk. Come on, extended family, there are too many of you not to plot with! Except for Percy. We still hate Percy.

[22 Jan 2008|04:04pm]

Hey! My name's Bina and I've just joined [info]tesseract as Penelope Clearwater.

So! Some extraneous facts: Penelope lives in a tiny flat in Hogsmeade, loves her job, and is currently sporting something along the lines of a Sugarquill addiction. Not much else to say, except that I'm terribly awkward at introductions, and that I might be slightly scarce this week because my laptop's adapter cord has died violently this morning, so I'm stealing time on a different computer.

[21 Jan 2008|07:37pm]

haaiiiyaaa guys!!! I turn around for a minute and I'll say! It's like i've missed an entire week of threading! O.O anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that i'll be scarce this week, i have lab sessions and two departmental exams by thursday and I have to study! T.T Which is hard btw, because i kept on stalling and checking things here and my email... It's TEMPTING ME!! Nooo!!! I promise I'll be back by friday, hopefully thread with Astoria Greengrass by then, and all you lot. I hope I won't be too left behind from all the happenings! Don't replace me jooy!!! xD

I'll miiiiiiiss you gaiiiss!!!!!!

[19 Jan 2008|12:15pm]

Hello my lovelies! I'm Laura bringing you Astoria Greengrass, Slytherin 7th year. I am in love with the premise game and would love to explore plottage or character relationships with all of you. Astoria doesn't have the sort of personality you can really remain neutral towards, I fear!

You can find me online at lighttouchlola on aim or luxurious_lola on yahoo. Please feel free to email or ping me anytime. I live to plot.

Can't wait to rp with you all!

[19 Jan 2008|08:38am]

Please add Fred Weasley.

Last Updated January 19th,2008.

[18 Jan 2008|08:47pm]

[ mood | thoughtful ]

Here are Ben Jelen icons for you Erin!

1, 2, 3, 4


[18 Jan 2008|08:01pm]

Hey all! Erin again, this time presenting Regulus Arcturus Black.

Okay, let's see. Reg. Well, he's complicated. For the in-depth coverage, I definitely recommend reading his info, but I can give you the really quick, imcomplete version. Okay, so, Regulus's main purpose in life during his childhood was to behave exactly as his parents told him to and he wasn't shy about rubbing his brother's nose in the fact that he was the good son. He was quite an arrogant swot, really. Anyhow, as he got older and Sirius ran away, small doubts starting growing in his mind, but that didn't prevent him from joining the Death Eaters when he was 16. However, Regulus was expecting to be a revolutionary, and the torture-torture-kill! approach freaked him out majorly, but he was too scared to say anything.

So, he was scared and insecure when he (unwillingly) got to know Dorcas Meadowes and reluctantly found himself falling for her. He continued seeing her in secret until he died, and never told anybody. He never turned spy or anything like that, and he still didn't agree with her political beliefs, but she helped soften him up until he just couldn't take being a DE anymore. So then he went off and got himself killed stealing the locket horcrux. Ah, love.

Anyhow, he's snooty and sarcastic and superiour, but he's willing to converse with anyone because he has no idea of what's going on at all (remember, he died in 1979, before Harry was even born, much less the fall of Voldemort). Plotting, anybody at all?

Character Intro [18 Jan 2008|06:15pm]

Hey all it's Jules again, with a third boyo :O! I have a complete set of Dead/Present/Future now xD! Gellert/Percy/Teddy. Wow. Anyways, presenting the evil scrumptiously sexy Jeremy Irons obsessed Gellert Grindelwald! He woke up from the dead in his old prison cell... which had been left open so he was able to escape! I don't know if Joy is going do news about that or not D:!

But anyway, he's coming to England because they don't have a prison there HA! And he's going to find out as much as he can about EVERYTHING he missed. And once he finds out that Harry got the Elder Wand he's going to go after him and like... find out that Harry is actually sort of master of all three so Gellert is going be like GAH!

Anyways... enemies? Since I'm not quite sure if he wants to make friends xD! Maybe aquientences. By the way, he hates Voldemort, and not just for killing him. He thinks was an amateur and completely hopeless. And he was majorly pissed that he killed Albus.

So yeah... whee!

[18 Jan 2008|12:45pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Ana here!!

I just joined this group but I have another charrie already!! I am REALLY REALLY excited to be playing her and I hope all of you love her too.

This girl over here is Dorcas Meadows. She was a former Ravenclaw from the year 1979. She is one year below the MWPP as far as school year goes. She was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and was a prefect from her 5th year on. A HUGE part of her is her relationship with Regulus Black. It is quite detailed in her profile so PLEASE read it all over, especially the history portion. It is important for you to know all that.

So she was dating Regulus but NO ONE other than the two of them. Regulus and her want to still keep it a secret because she knows how dangerous it would be for the both of them if anyone finds out. She was a healer in training but never got to finish her training since she died two years in. She will want to start up training again as soon as possible. My Dorcas is also in the Order so she would be friends with most of the Order.

My aim is still spiceSchick if you want to talk to me regarding Dorcas or Cho for that matter.


[17 Jan 2008|12:41pm]

Alright so heres the deal.

Apparently Hotmail has decided that it hates IJ and refuses to accept any e-mails from them...including comment notifications. So if you have replied to a comment I left and I have not replied please comment here and let me know.

Also for the time being my new e-mail address will be: angelsotherlove@gmail.com should you need anything please e-mail me there.

Alright I think thats everything I had to say.

x-posted to all games

[16 Jan 2008|08:07pm]

Point of reference, I'm having an insane week and now it's snowing. I owe many of your comments, replies, etc. I am off this weekend and will hopefully have more energy to put into them when from Friday until Sunday. I just wanted to let everyone know so you wouldn't think I've gone awol. Oy vey!



[15 Jan 2008|08:46pm]

Hey, everyone. I'm Khushi and I'll be playing Parvati! I know a few people here already, but some I don't so, hi nice to meet you for the first time, people I don't know.

Parvati, as you know, fought with the D.A. at the end of the year. After the war she went for some time in therapy and then became a baker. Even though she loves it, most likely, she'd also want to become an Auror, especially if the dark side was coming back. :OO But she's only considering it, haven't started on training yet. ^^

My aim is eris3dxlove86 and I'm online all the time! So hit me with backstory or future story!

[15 Jan 2008|11:54am]

Hey everyone!!

I'm Danielle! Some of you know me already from other games, but that's besides the point. I'm 21, but just barely, and in my third year of University. I'm doing English with a concentration in drama and history, which means I usually have a ton of papers. I know, it's crazy, but it's well worth it. It means I don't have to sit through any math courses! I have a number of obsessions... including Harry Potter (I know, I know, obvious), Firefly/Serenity, Supernatural, Robin Hood, anything to do with King Arthur (except the movie King Arthur, I really didn't enjoy it), and other stuff. I like to think of myself as easy to talk to and a good listener, but you can always ask Erin or Jules about that since they know me so well. I'm always up for plotting. Please add me to AIM under: atraceofnuts

Alright, so now onto my character! I'm bringing you the daughter of Angelina and George: Roxanne! She has no problems with being called Roxy, and even signs that as her name for informal stuff. She loves having fun and just hanging around relaxing with her cousins and friends, or playing pranks with/on James. She doesn't get in as much trouble as he does though! She's got a bit of a potty mouth, and she's not the most subtle person. She usually says what comes to mind, and doesn't mean to be blunt, but usually is. She plays Quidditch and is a beater, like her Daddy. She's not going to be too impressed when she arrives in the past, for more than one reason! You'll soon see why! Anywho, anyone wants to plot, talk about relationships, especially family, since there's a lot of you, drop a line here or message me on AIM!


[13 Jan 2008|08:42pm]

Hey evarbody!

I just wanted to point out a few plot points that you can play with this week. First of all, the mod journal has a bunch of Hogwarts and Ministry of Magic information. The Hogwarts information is especially important for students currently attending Hogwarts as it shows when the holidays and quidditch matches are.

The next Quidditch Match is January 15th, so that's in two days! Buuuttt..it's Ravenclaw v. Slytherin and we don't have many (if any) of either of those houses in play right now. I will be posting a fun game later to determine who will win the game so look out for that post.

Also, there are still 3 teaching positions that are "open" and could be potentially filled by characters in game. The positions are Potions, Transfiguration and Muggle Studies. If you think your character would be interested let me or Minerva McGonagall know. =D

Oh! And I just updated the "game thus far" post in the mod journal. I try to update it every day or every other day and I usually succeed, so if you ever need to know what important events happened while you were gone you can just check there.

That's all I gots and I ain't gots no more.

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