Tertiary Colors' Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Tertiary Colors' InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, December 12th, 2009
    8:31 pm
    [Agito's in a good mood. Riding tends to do that to him. Having been hurt and having to take it easy for awhile can be fine on the lazy Shark at times, but extended period of time? Yeah, not so much.

    But he can finally ride properly again and he's kind of enjoying it, pulling off as many leaps and flips that he can while riding through the city. Kind of wishing he'd run into another storm rider, he could use a proper match. That last fight hadn't been a good one, being caught off guard like that...tch.

    Still. Riding like this would be fine for awhile]
    Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
    7:00 pm
    Missing Colors
    [What was going on? How did this happen?

    Those two question kept repeating themselves in Akito's mind. He had no idea where he was or how to get home. Being lost and confused made anyone uncomfortable but there was something even worse. He was alone. Competely alone. Agito was....silent. He couldn't even feel the shark. It was one of the first things he noticed upon arrive. It had taken a while but after panicking and crying out for the shark to come back to no avail, he had managed to collect himself enough to wonder through the city.

    Why aren't you here Agito?

    He needed to get back to Ikki-kun and the others, maybe they could figure out away to bring the shark back...]
    Monday, December 7th, 2009
    8:22 pm
    [It's fairly late. As in late enough to be early. Sun might even be beginning to rise.

    Agito really doesn't care.

    He's tired, sore, and some of his wounds were bleeding a little through the makeshift bandages, and there's at least one bruised rib in there. He knows very well that he looks a mess (most of that blood on him wasn't his own at least). But there's just. No energy to clean himself up.

    Door open, door closed and collapsing on the sofa. Sleep looks like such a good idea right now.

    Hopefully Akito hadn't woken. Not looking forward to that conversaton]
    Sunday, December 6th, 2009
    10:24 pm
    Mixing Colors
    [Outside soaking in the sun light. Sweat dripped down his face and off his chin. The last few hours he had dedicated to pure AT practice. From flips, trick to just trying to get stronger or become faster. Akito was the Fang King, and he wanted it to always stay that way. It took some time but he grown use to sharing the title with the older shark but that didn't mean he could slack off. Lately...for some-reason he felt his moves getting sloppy.

    Time to fix that. So here he was, kicking out fangs left and right until he could hardly stand.]
    Saturday, December 5th, 2009
    8:13 pm
    [Stirring and taking his time waking up is something he's fond of doing.

    Stirring and feeling decidedly...off? Not so much.

    The shark stirs and opens his eye...and yeah. Something's weird here]

    Wuh...? [Give his mind a minute to wake up]
    Friday, December 4th, 2009
    7:17 pm
    [Zoning out will never be a habit he'll break. Too many things come to mind when he stays still and stops for awhile. Like lounging around on a sofa and not needing to do anything in a hurry.

    So yeah. Zoning out. Kind of oblivious to the surrounding area.

    Totally botherable]
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