
Sticky note goes here

Feb. 27th, 2016


⚡ Im Jin-ah


im jin-ah
75 total

IM JIN-AH: 75 total )

Aug. 31st, 2015


⚡ Luke Goss


luke goss
60 total

LUKE GOSS: 60 total )

Aug. 12th, 2015


⚡ Scene History

This is a pretty simple layout. It's for people who like to keep track of in-game history for characters but also want to have everything linked as reference. again, this is very simple and should be pretty easy to use, so hopefully not much explanation is required. Please enjoy! :)

Example & Code )

Instructions )

⚡ David Gandy


david gandy
96 total

DAVID GANDY: 96 total )

⚡ Zena Grey


zena grey
134 total

ZENA GREY: 134 total )