The Tenth Doctor - December 14th, 2008

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December 14th, 2008

02:11 am - 150 icons: 3x10 & 3x11
[03] Doctor/Others: Bill, Sally, The TARDIS
[04] Doctor/Martha
[04] Jack/Others: The Doctor, The TARDIS, Chantho
[05] Doctor/Master
[07] Jack/Martha
[11] Jack Harkness
[12] Martha Jones
[15] The Master
[40] The Doctor
[49] Et. Cetera: Weeping Angels, Sally Sparrow, Katherine Nightingale, Billy Shipton, Larry Nightingaile, Chantho, The Future Kind, Doctor/Martha/Jack/Chantho/Master, Master's Fob Watch, The TARDIS

Jack Martha The Master The Doctor

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