January 2011



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Jan. 2nd, 2011


Roll Call, Please!

It's a New Year, and I know all of us got busy/distracted/whatever. Let's kick this thing back into high gear, shall we?

Donna! Handy needs to take you to the Hub so you can reacquaint with Jack and meet everyone else!

Jenny! Do we want to finish that thread or just assume you're better and move on? (Obviously, we can still be dealing with ongoing ramifications).

Tosh! Maybe you can work with Handy on some techno ideas for taking care of the Master/Rift situation?

EVERYONE! Let's get some plot ideas rolling and fleshed out here, and then dive back into play! I am determined to make this year an awesome RP one!

So who's still here??? Who is up for some plots?

Sep. 28th, 2010


Only sort of here...

Hey everyone!

I just started back up with school and have some other stuff going on and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at life...so I may be scarce for a bit till I get back on track. :) I'm around, I'll try to respond on threads here and there, but if I'm slow, forgive me. I hope to get stuff figured out and get back to more fun soon...

aka Handy & John Hart

Sep. 4th, 2010



Hi all,

I'm sorry I was away for awhile there.  Been busy with a few different things but as you can see from the more recent activity: I'm back.  I'm still relatively new here though.  So I wanted to make sure and say "Hi All!" and also ask if there were any over-arching plot lines that were occurring or I should be aware of.  Or if there were any plot lines I could help further along.

Just let me know!

Aug. 4th, 2010


Just a check up!

Hey everyone! I know it's been a little rocky for everyone with computer issues and real life getting in the way, so I just wanted to do a check-in post! Comment here to let us know you are still alive! I'm such a mom, I worry! Let me know how it's going! Are you enjoying yourselves? Do you have any plots or ideas? Small or big! Things that could come through the Rift! Serious OR simply entertaining situations to put our characters in!

Come on, share. :) Meanwhile, Handy will continue worrying about Jenny...

May. 31st, 2010


Argh, real life!

I just wanted to apologize for my absence the last little bit, had finals, then been out of town and have family visiting. I should be back to normal checking and posting and responding by tomorrow evening!

Hope everyone is enjoying the game!!!

Apr. 18th, 2010


My apologies

I do apologize for my absence.  I've been moving.  Another couple of days and I should be back on track.

Apr. 8th, 2010


Hi guys. I am so sorry that I've been MIA and dropped things. My computer kind of died before, and when I got it back everything was gone and then crap and home and school got in the way. Blah blah. So I'm really really sorry. I'm back now I promise.

Feb. 10th, 2010


Hi guys. I'm new, and my name is Jewels. I'm bringing in Donna Noble, super temp extraordinaire. She obviously doesn't have any of her memories, so that'll be fun for a bit. And since she doesn't, feel free to mess with her all you'd like.

I'm on AIM under punching infants if you need me. And really, Donna's up for whatever. Thanks for having me :D

Feb. 9th, 2010


Getting to know you, Round One!

Sooooo, here we all are! Game is going in earnest, and people are falling on us left and right. :)

Let's get to know each other a bit, shall we?

Round One!

Tell us how you first got into this fandom! Classic Who? New Who? Torchwood first? Did you stumble on it all on your own or were you coerced into it the first time?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Jan. 28th, 2010



So you know how in Firefox, you can set a minimum font size?

(If you didn't know: in Firefox, you can set a minimum font size.)

And y'know how sometimes layouts can set smaller font sizes? Like, oh, smaller than 13px, which you have set as your minimum font size? And y'know how when 13 is your minimum, everything < 13 will be displayed as 13 since that's the smallest it'll display as?

Guess what happens when you code layouts that call for sizes smaller than your minimum font size, forgetting that you have a minimum font size and thus all those smaller things aren't displaying at the actual size but instead at the minimum size?


*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

And guess who had multiple layouts calling for such sizes, and thus was unable to see interesting things like overlapping elements because they were displaying larger than they should?

Oh yeah. I'm a genius.

Thank goodness I figured it out in the process of working on my site. "Why can't I make this font any smaller?! WTF is going on?!... Oh my god I'm dumb."

So, hopefully I've got our community layouts and my journal layouts fixed now, because wow. Embarrassment much?

Jan. 20th, 2010


Attempted wibbly-wobbly reduction

In my continued (but brief and spaced out) attempts to sort out a timeline, I remember that iantos_desktop had attempted to work out a timeline for TW/DW/SJA. Here's a link for the 21st century timeline. I think it does a very good job of figuring out when things happen based on on-screen given dates and some extra material, with some necessary ignoring of contradictory stuff (as the author puts it for one of the dates, "I've decided to just hum to myself a lot and pretend this problem doesn't exist"). Some things just plain don't work as told; for instance, Toshiko's got three or four birthdays depending on which episode and book you look at. Nice work, continuity folks who don't exist.

Anyway, since it's useful to have a timeline to refer to, I thought that one looked like a pretty good possibility. Some of the dates estimated there are ones I arrived at, too, which gives support to my theory that I'm awesome. Or something like that. Right, okay, the point is, I've tried to figure out where some of our personal canon dates could fall relative to those events. Below, I've got some proposed dates for your consideration:
  • 2008 Jan or Feb — As per iantos_desktop, "End of Days"/first part of "Utopia" happens, with Jack running off after the Doctor. (It's a date earlier than when Martha left with the Doctor, but I agree with the reasoning that the Doctor could easily have taken the TARDIS back then to take advantage of all the Rift activity.)
  • 2008 late June — Martha goes away with the Doctor. Four days later in the timeline (though longer for her personally), they return with Jack via his vortex manipulator, the Year That Never Was happens, and then Martha and Jack go back to their respective non-TARDIS lives. "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" happens. The TW website's messages put a contradictory date on this and the TARDIS wiki follows that; I feel it should be ignored since that website got all sorts of dates inconsistent with what's said in interviews, on-screen, and/or books. Useful story material, but not useful dates.
  • 2008 August — As per iantos_desktop, "To the Last Man". I think this date works well for personal canon and the reasoning on that timeline, rather than the real world calendar possibilities of June 2008, Feb 2009 or March 2009 based on the on-screen Friday the 20th (unspecified month or year). They really need a continuity person at BBC Wales...
  • 2009 Marchiantos_desktop and I agreed (but with different reasoning) that this month works well for "Fragments/"Exit Wounds". April is also possible based on the whole "episodes happen one year after their airdate" idea, but the stories don't tend to play out as each one week apart, especially back-to-back ones like those that aired two weeks apart.
  • 2009 April or May — Personal canon-wise, a good possibility for when Jack and Ianto got pulled out to Margate.
  • 2009 May or June — A month following that, Jack and Ianto return thanks to the awesome of the Doctor and his TARDIS.
  • 2009 Summer — "The Stolen Earth/Journey's End", which iantos_desktop suggests July for. "Journey's End" aired in July, actually.
  • 2010 post-New Year's — Us! ♥ (which would make things 6 months after DW4, if we like July for that)

One of the tricky things I can't get my head around yet (and apparently other timelines struggle with as well) is that the Battle of Canary Wharf seems to have happened in summer 2007, which makes for all kinds of weirdness with how far apart Ianto and Gwen are said to have joined versus suggested time that Gwen joined versus various other dates... *headspinny* Since that date most affects the Doctor, Rose, and Ianto, I'd rather know what y'all think works for that event!

Jan. 13th, 2010


Welcome to the game!

Have a question?

Want to throw a plot idea out there?

Want to conspire with people?

Want to be sure you're following all the timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly insanity?

Post to this community! All players and mods are watching!