August 2008

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May 15th, 2008

[info]samson1986 in [info]tell_me_lies


I love leggings! I so pleased that Lace gloves,  G-rated Ramone wannabes , and leggings are coming back into fashion! I can't turn my eyes away! It's like pure blinding truth that fills you with this inner pieces to see these wonderful fashions coming into the world again! Good Fasion really does come back about every 20 years. I don't feel OLD at all at 21 almost 22 not one bit!

[info]shockadelica in [info]tell_me_lies

Who needs creative stuffs?

I don't need new color bars. I don't like decorating my profile with color bars for my personal journal. I hope I never find a Klingon or Worf one, and I might just puke all over a Padme/Anakin love one, not to mention a House is the sex color bar - I'd break into hives! I don't need a new Vegeta one, I would hate a Battousai/Tomoe one with a passion!!! Shishio and Yumi? Puh-lease! They did not have one of the most beautfully twisted love stores ever. Forget any Moulin Rouge. EW! Hermione would bore me to tears. And god help me if I had one for Lucius Malfoy!!! I'd just implode from disgust on the spot, not to mention one of Jason Isaacs himself. I'm getting sick just thinking about it. Keanu is of course the most disgusting man ever so any color bars with him would just be deleted immediately! I don't have tons more color bars I would love to have. Nope, not me.

I definitely have NOT been thinking of a little contest to help make banners/colorbars/icons etc for this lying community. I bet the people in here have zero creativity. Seeing their work would make me lose my appetite I am certain.

Well this post was useless..

[info]catness in [info]tell_me_lies

positive thinking

I believe I'm the most sane and practical person in the world. I'm very organized and motivated, in fact I'm a total workaholic and always do stuff ahead of time.

I never have crushes on anybody, never get depressed, and all my posts are an epitome of logic, clarity and optimism.

Also, I have a pink pony.

[info]billyjackbtch in [info]tell_me_lies


F*ckin' mechanics!  You'd think that taking a Pinto in for an oil change wouldn't be a big deal!  But oh's like a really big ordeal!  I drop my Pinto off for an oil change while I did some skipping through the park.  Yes, I said got a problem with that?!  Didn't think so!  Anyway, I come back from my skipping escapade & they hand me a bill for $3,492.00!!!  For an oil change?!  You got to be kidding me!  The damn mechanics said it's because it's a 1974 Ford Pinto! 

Piss on mechanics!