April 13th, 2013



Thread: Isaac and Derek

Who: Isaac and Derek.
When: Wee hours of morning, Tuesday, August 22nd.
Where: Abandoned subway station aka The Pack Lair.
What: General bonding and Isaac picking up an unfamiliar she-wolf scent.
Rating: SFW

“So. Can we talk about when you were planning to share the she-wolf you've got warming your bed?“ )



Thread: Kaleb, Ashlyn, and Derek

Who: Kaleb, Ashlyn, and Derek.
When: A bit over two weeks ago; first night in Beacon Hills.
Where: The husk of the Hale House.
What: Formal meetings and re-introductions.
Rating: SFW

Kaleb hoped that Derek Hale would not take their presence as an encroachment of his territory, especially since he had taken care to present Ashlyn and himself as soon as possible. )