Feb. 3rd, 2013



Friending Button Time!

Hi, all!

We have a new player tonight, bringing us Erica Reyes! Please take a second to update your friends list and begin your plotting!

Also, Week 4 starts in two hours, if you have any threads you want to happen during Week 3, be sure to put your placeholders up ASAP! Lastly, on a note, wanted to thank a moment and thank you all for being so awesome. This game has been amazing and so very fun, and it's thanks to all of you. So, once again: Thanks for all your creativity, imagination and writing!

Jan. 31st, 2013


Dead Computer Is Dead

Hiya guys, long-time no see.
With the internship over, I should have a lot more time to give out replies than before. I'm really excited to get back into the game, however, my return comes with a slow-to-respond warning. My computer died and I'm left with an ipad that has a keyboard attachment. For whatever reason, my ipad's internet connection doesn't seem to like Trillion (or any other messenger for that matter), so if you need to contact me it's probably better to do it via drop box's. Sorry for the inconvience guys - my techno-life is a bit of a bitch lately.

Jan. 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who is in the know regarding the werewolves and wants to spend new moon night (Thursday) with Jackson? :P

Jan. 26th, 2013



Friend Button

We have a new player today, bringing us Boyd! Please update your friends lists and start thinking up plot!

Also, just a reminder, if you have not already done so, make sure you reply to the activity check by the 28th to pass, thanks to all those who already have. You guys rock.

Jan. 21st, 2013


And another one

Couldn't resist bringing my ranks up to four. So this is Crystal with my last little one, Dallas Andrews. She's a born werewolf and an omega since she's been without any sort of pack since her mother died. She's just moving into town to start school for the upcoming year and she's moving in next door to Stiles. I'm up for any and all plot and can't wait to get her tossed into the game to see what sorts of fun stuff I can get her into. She's a total tomboy so she's a lot more comfortable with boys than she is with girls but any sort of interactions are welcomed :)



Week 3 Calendar

The week of July 16th to July 27th starts out as a scorcher, temperatures topping out over 100 at the start of the week, but highs drop to the low 90's for the remainder of the week. Lows are in the low 40's, but there is a record low on the evening of the 19th, several areas around Beacon Hills reporting freezing temperatures around midnight. Visibility is good, and the forecast hints at the promise of rain Friday evening, but the area receives no precipitation.

Thursday the 19th is the New Moon, and the Death Spirits are at their strongest during this time. While their abilities will remain the same this week (see the week 2 summary for a refresher on their abilities!) they will be more active and more aggressive on this night. Some might even see dark shapes moving away from areas of haunting. On this one night, frost may appear near where a spectre has appeared.

July 16th
July 17th
July 18th
July 19th
July 20th
July 21st
July 22nd

Week 4 will officially begin on February 4th.

Last but not least, we have a new character today! Dallas is a newly arrived omega and you should all head over to the friends page and update your list.

Jan. 18th, 2013




Week change will happen on the 21st, so please make sure you have all threads for week 2 posted, or at the very least a placeholder for them put up before then. Activity check will also happen on the 21st, be sure to check in with your threads once that is posted.

Question for you all: Do you want some more/bigger appearances by the death spirits this upcoming game week, or would you all like another week to play with things as they are? We can up their powers or let things simmer as-is for another week. Voice your preference!

Jan. 16th, 2013


Anyone need to be creeped on?

Peter's going to be at the pack meeting on Saturday, anyone need a dose of creeper wolf before then? I'd still love to throw him at the Sheriff (when time allows!) and he's eager to build a pretty solid pack, given what he thinks is coming. Anyone need a little extra push to attend the pack meeting? Peter's your wolf!

Jan. 15th, 2013



Pack Meeting

Okay so thanks to Peter this pack meeting needs to be had.

People that are cordially invited are Scott, Stiles, Brenn, Isaac and Peter. I am opening the floor to everybody to see when it'd work for their characters, since I have not been keeping up with the schedules.

If it happens at some point after Derek's talk with Jackson, Jackson would be extended an invite, but it will come attached with the whole - no humans allowed shtick because Derek is barely okay with Stiles being there. And it'd probably be delivered by somebody like Scott or Stiles because Derek's patience with Jackson is about nonexistent right now. But he is a werewolf, so he's included in werewolf business.

It doesn't have to be a long thread, but it has to happen so we're all on the same page as to what our characters know and so forth. Things that will be discussed are Derek's meeting with Chris, and probably the death spirits and Alpha pack (despite how little is actually known about them, they are an impeding problem), if it's later in the week and it becomes obvious something might be going on here. So yeah, opinions?

Jan. 12th, 2013



Paul's been investigating a week, but he's not had any real run-ins with the supernatural in BH. Obviously he can wander around and come into some trouble, and he's got a few ideas about the death in the news and cold temperatures, but nothing concrete. Anyone interested in a little chat where they let something that might tip him off slip? Could be a wolf, a fellow hunter or maybe even just someone in the know who brags a little too much? I'm open to ideas and plotting, Paul's rather sharp and chatty so he can ask some prying questions, so we can hopefully have some fun with it. Anyone game?

Jan. 10th, 2013


Expectations vs Reality

Just because it's too darn accurate )

Jan. 6th, 2013



Week 2 Calendar

The week of July 9th to July 15th is warm, starting with highs in the high 80s at the start of the week, climbing steadily to peak at 100 on Sunday. While the lows for the rest of the area are in the mid 50s to low 60s, thermometers record temperatures dropping to the low 40's in the dead of night. No rain is in sight, light breezes and good visibility.

Starting Wednesday morning, due to an event (check the threading community!), the death spirits are going to become more powerful and active. The dead are gone, but these spirits are able to prey off the memories of the living. For now they are not terribly powerful, so they need an already strong emotional attachment in the living in order to have an impact. They need a victim who is very emotional towards someone who is deceased. This can include a recent death which the victim is still mourning, someone with a strong emotional attachment to the date, such as an anniversary, birthday, etc, or a strong emotional reaction to an object or place. Finding a sweater which still smells like the departed, returning to a place where a violent death was witnessed, etc can all trigger the heightened emotional state necessary for the death spirits to manipulate their dreams/memories.

For the characters who would fall into the above group, they are free to have vivid dreams of talking to someone deceased, the dead individual will behave very much like how your character perceived them when they were alive. These can be extended to 'waking dreams' late at night where they see a 'ghost.' Death spirits will usually manipulate memories to encourage fear and mistrust, and you are free to write out these encounters.

Those without a recent death or a strong emotional trigger: Fear not, you are not left out! The death spirits are looking to extend their control, and are reaching out to others, seeking possible susceptible souls. Vivid dreams reliving a memory of a lost loved one, swearing they heard their voice whispering their name in the dead of night, thinking they saw someone dead in the mirror for just a moment are all open for you to taunt your characters with.

Keep in mind that these spirits are most active at night and that the temperature tends to drop rapidly when they are around and active. Their powers are restricted to the dead, they cannot manipulate the likeness of the living.

July 9th
July 10th
July 11th
July 12th
July 13th
July 14th
July 15th

Week three will begin on January 21st, and the first activity check will officially happen on the 21st as well.

3 Day Hiatus

Hi guys,
I just wanted to warn you that I'm starting my Herbalism class this week and I will probably be MIA for about 3 days, possibly 4 depending on how well the week goes (I've also got an internship opportunity). I'm not ignoring you - life just snuck up on me after a two month break. I might be available for chat and plotting purposes in the evenings (GMT -7 times), however I probably won't be up for writing much. I should be able to make up for it during the weekend, though.

Happy writing everyone!

- Mary (Leo Stilinski & Lydia Martin)

Jan. 5th, 2013


It's me again!

Crystal here with a third to round out my brood. A girl this time to even out the testosterone. This is Valerie. She's Paul's sister though that - at least at the moment - is unknown to Paul. She works at Off the Rack and is a seamstress who also makes clothing on the side. She's fairly new to town but she's been around long enough to make a few friends. I'm up for plotting any back story with anyone if you guys are interested. I'm looking for anything and everything be that friends, enemies or even lovers/flirty situations for her to gt herself involved in. Can't wait to get her tossed in!



Friend Button

It's time to head over to the friend all button and update your list, we have a new player today! Please welcome Valerie Wisdom, another new arrival to town. Start your plotting!

Jan. 4th, 2013



Question that possibly includes everybody

Okay dudes. And duddettes.

Derek is going to come out of the werewolf closet to the sheriff. He's going to sorta throw Stiles under the bus to the effect that he shares that secret before Stiles gets to, and I discussed this with Meg.

But in doing so - Derek is going to reveal a few things of the past such as what exactly was behind the murders in season one and two and sorta get the sheriff up to speed. He's going to expose Stiles's involvement, of course, since Stiles is at the center of the Sheriff's concern. But this little post is sorta asking who would be okay with the sheriff knowing about their character's involvement.

Derek keeps things close to the chest, so it's understandable that he would feel prone to keeping mum on names altogether. I've decided he isn't going to mention Peter at all, since Peter is his problem and he wants to deal with it himself. And I've discussed with Ben about Chris Argent already. But this note basically pertains to whether or not Derek can include Scott's name (which is totally a two part question. Would it be okay if he outted Scott as the werewolf that kinda dragged Stiles into this - or should Derek make it actually kinda sound like Scott's just another human dragged along for the ride, like Stiles. Totally up to you Crystal). And would it be okay if he outted Isaac as part of his pack - since the Sheriff's already suspicious on that front. The same question obviously pertains to Jackson too. And Lydia and pretty much everybody else involved - not that he will out them all, I just want to know who would be okay with their characters being seen in that light by the sheriff, since it'll impact all of their interactions with the sheriff - especially Scott's.

Thoughts, questions, concerns? I want Derek to out himself, but at the same time I don't want to step on anybody's toes or negatively impact how you want to see and write your own characters.

EDIT: The problem has been resolved, and we've decided to wait. I appreciate all of your input and understanding and willingness to roll with the punches. You guys are awesome, and I'm glad we could resolve this without ruffling any feathers.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


[No Subject]

Hello, people! I'm Meg and I bring you all Stiles!

I'm excited to be playing with all you lovely people and I'm open to all kinds of plot, some of it in his bio. He's still not happy with the beating grandpa Argent gave him so the family is on his shit list, even Allison because of the attack on the police station, sorry Scott. If he's needed for anything just ask :D



The Stiles Abides

Huzza, we have a Stiles! Please run to the friend all page to update your lists and start plotting!



Short & sweet mod note

We are so very happy to have you all here and seeing all the activity on the comm. Thank you for making this game's opening great!

We're still looking for Erica, Boyd and Allison, so please pimp pimp pimp!

Note that Dr. Deaton is now marked as an Adoptable NPC. He will be played by the Mods for plot purposes for the time being, but we will definitely consider a strong enough application for the character, and will be happy to give him up to the right player. Also, there's a temporary cap on independent hunters, but one or two hunters loyal to Chris Argent will still be considered. We just don't need more hunters than wolves in game at present time, lol.

We are looking to start all Week 2 activity on January 7th, so any threads that should happen on Week 1 should be posted, or at least have a placeholder up, before then.

Thanks again, and happy RPing!


Jan. 1st, 2013


Late Intro is Late

Hi guys! Mary here, with one more character to add to her rooster. Also thinking of adding an OC but .... we shall see.

Anyway, this is the nameless Sheriff now dubbed Leo. Because that's my headcanon name. Haha. Right. So. Whats most important for you guys to know is that Leo is definately not going to remain ignorant of the supernatural. He knows his son is in deep on some serious shit, and he intends to be there when shit hits the fan. He's going to push his way through and when he gets the gits of whats going on, he'll probably start collecting the Hale Pack kids like cards, kind of like a pack grandpa. Really, he just wants all the kids to be safe. So. Yeah. This is Leo. Read his app if you want more info, though be warned I went a little overboard with it. I blame Roz.

Any plots? I figure, Leo'll have a lot of pack interaction, especially as he tries to control the amount of danger Stiles gets into. So there'll be a lot of that. and the new Stiles and he will totally have have father-son moments. Lots of bonding, lots of love. AND AND AND. SCOTT. Leo's already adopted you, sorry. No choice there, man. Hahaha. Yeah, just throw whatever plots you guys want at me. We'll thread and shit.

Also, anybody who wants threading for Lydia? I'm totally open to starting new scenes!