Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Once Bitten Chapter 2

Title: Once Bitten
Pairing: Slade/Robin
Theme: vampires
Rated: 16+
Chapters: 2/?
Summary: Robin never believed in vampires, but shit happens when one night he's bitten by one. And Robin goes in search of a certain someone to be his mate. Who could his mate be? Read to find out.
Warnings: slash, sex, Robin turning Slade into vamp to be his mate, violence, vamp hunters
Please review!
Once Bitten Chapter 2 )
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Once Bitten Chapter 1

Title: Once Bitten
Pairing: Slade/Robin
Theme: vampires
Rated: 16+
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: Robin never believed in vampires, but shit happens when one night he's bitten by one. And Robin goes in search of a certain someone to be his mate. Who could his mate be? Read to find out.
Warnings: slash, sex, Robin turning Slade into vamp to be his mate, violence, vamp hunters
Please review!

Once Bitten Chapter 1 )
mood: cheerful
music: Umbrella-Marie Digby
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Monday, December 17th, 2007


Ah, so new, so empty... Hopefully not for long though!

Doncha just hate those welcome posts that have like, nothing to do with the actual comm? WELL THIS ISN'T ONE OF THEM.

Go on, have fic!

Title: Ceiling Tiles
Pairing: Slade/Robin, Red X/Robin
Rating: Hard-R
Warnings: Angst, non-con, character death

Ceiling Tiles )
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