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Sunday, December 16th, 2007

    Time Event
    Once Bitten Chapter 1
    Title: Once Bitten
    Pairing: Slade/Robin
    Theme: vampires
    Rated: 16+
    Chapters: 1/?
    Summary: Robin never believed in vampires, but shit happens when one night he's bitten by one. And Robin goes in search of a certain someone to be his mate. Who could his mate be? Read to find out.
    Warnings: slash, sex, Robin turning Slade into vamp to be his mate, violence, vamp hunters
    Please review!

    Once Bitten Chapter 1 )

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Umbrella-Marie Digby
    Hi. :) Major ficspam ahead.

    Title: Serenity Prayer
    Pairing: Slade/Nightwing
    Rated: R/NC-17
    Notes: Based on the How Long Is Forever AU, a concept stolen shamelessly from </a></strong></a>[info]katarik. Has accompanying fanart by jesskat83.


    Title: Like to a Silver Bow
    Pairing: Slade/Nightwing
    Rated: R/NC-17
    Notes: Futurefic.


    Bird on a Hot Tin Roof
    Pairing: Slade/Robin
    Rated: Various -- PG through NC-17.
    Notes: Collection of Slade/Robin drabbles.

    Once Bitten Chapter 2
    Title: Once Bitten
    Pairing: Slade/Robin
    Theme: vampires
    Rated: 16+
    Chapters: 2/?
    Summary: Robin never believed in vampires, but shit happens when one night he's bitten by one. And Robin goes in search of a certain someone to be his mate. Who could his mate be? Read to find out.
    Warnings: slash, sex, Robin turning Slade into vamp to be his mate, violence, vamp hunters
    Please review!
    Once Bitten Chapter 2 )

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Umbrella-Marie Digby

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